
Did I say anything relevant to that? Respect your customers is the point, its business 101.

I open a donut shop, thanks to my customers its successful enough I then open another. I give the new shop donuts made with flour and the old shop donuts made with dirt. Just be happy I could make more donuts am I right? This isn't about it branching out, its about treating its original customers poorly.

What entitlement? I never said they should get more, just pointing out that without their customers they wouldn't still be in business. Customers are number one, ever heard that expression?

Equally priced paid DLC that includes less for the fans who made you. Even with the fan part removed, equally priced DLC that includes less for some people is wrong on its own. I wasn't at all bothered by a little favoritism to build the audience, as you said that is a smart move, they've definitely went beyond that

I never said they owed me anything. You must be 16 because you have the reading comprehension of someone who is.

Again, you have no evidence of it being a money issue. I really doubt that Sony had deeper pockets than Microsoft. If this was about money the game would be Xbox exclusive.

Actually without Microsoft Halo wouldn't have made it to consoles at all, but nice try. And might I recommend a life? From the sound of how you spent your day it would seem you desperately need one.

Also the fact that you use this example, shows your upset about that, and thus a hypocrite.

What are you talking about, it was on PC, and Xbox. GTA was never Playstation exclusive..

Notice how you have to say "likely" because there is no actual evidence this was about being paid off by Sony.

Except that isn't true at all, Bungie was never an apple company, and apple fans were never their primary fanbase. They just happened to have been on Mac, as well as PC, Computer fans were their fanbase.

Perhaps they had loyalty to both and like most can't afford another system. If you ran a store you wouldn't expect your customers to relocate their homes if you moved and say that because they didn't they were just loyal to the location.

I disagree, at the very least they owe them respect, as without your customers you would be nothing. You would do terribly in any business setting with that attitude, your customers are everything.

Because there could be no other reason than money right?

If Marathon was anywhere near popular enough to say it made the company who they are today, sure. But it wasn't. And if Marathon was and had fans who supported Bungie for years, I would understand their frustration.

Sure they can. Don't forget your fanbase who made you who you are today however, its disrespectful to those who supported Bungie all these year. And considering the money Microsoft has, I really doubt its about Sony offering them more.

And I'm not sitting here calling Playstation fans greedy children for being upset about that, I think they have all the right in the world to be upset. This isn't about sunset overdrive however.

Who is expecting more? Its about expecting the same for the crowd who made bungie as big as they are today. It's disrespectful to their fans to give them less.

No, people like you are whiny and unreasonable, xbox fans aren't demanding to be catered to, they are just expecting equalism.

This isn't about sunset overdrive, and the fact that you are upset about it, shows there is reason to be upset here as well.