

Mine bothers me out of concern. Thirty seconds into yoga I'll open my eyes and stare directly into the liquid brown gaze of my pittie from about two inches away. She invariably decides to reassuringly lick me on the mouth while I'm doing something precarious, and then acts wounded when I yell at her. If I start doing

Which I could bump you twice. That is the nicest freaking story with the word "cunt" in it I have ever heard.

Day-um. My imaginary hat is off to you, sir.

I vividly remember the only time I went dress shopping (yes, some straight guys have a sense of style/fashion too and I have a thing for wedding dresses) and was a bit surprised when I didn't get kicked out.

Someone broke Megyn Kelly and I'm loving every. fucking. second.

Japanese no good but I must say the melody of Boom Clap is so well suited to the language. Actually it's a loooot better than a lot of the KPOP hits that inevitably get a Japanese version for the sake of Asia domination.

Yeah, her Japanese is good! Especially the faster parts, which is kinda weird — you would expect those to be worse imo. It sounds like she has a fairly obvious American accent, but she's pronouncing all the words correctly. Tbh that's the best most of us can hope for — in my advanced Japanese class you can still hear


I offer to hate your mother for you.

I would so take a tour of a dragon dress.

... your mall shopping experiences are exactly the same as mine. I thought I was 2 sizes larger than I actually was for years bc of the horrors my parents inflicted on me.

I sent my measurements to a seamstress in a far-away country and tried on my dress in secret when it arrived. My mother got to see a photo of a similar dress on the seamstress' Etsy page and that's ALL. Her only remark was "Three hundred dollars? EESH, that's a bit pricey." LMFAO

Good job to your dad! My best friend's mom was out of control planning BFF's wedding. The week before the wedding he had to pull her aside and say "Honey, you only get one chance not to ruin your only daughter's wedding." That really helped.

A+ work with the MOB dress revenge.

I'm sort of the same way (some places have gorgeous bridesmaid/evening gowns that are more fairly priced than The Wedding Gowns and are generally more my style/less poofy).

yo UTIs are literally bacterial infections and you should not allow one to go on for a week untreated. I'm a big old hippie when it comes to home remedies and I use homeopathy whenever possible, but infections are serious and UTIs can very quickly spread to kidneys and limbs. ladies, go get antibiotics if you feel

Rachel . I think the contestants get like a month at home/off camera before the finale and she came back weighing 105lbs. It was a huge shocker - lots of complaints, Jillian looked genuinely startled and upset by it, and then after she collected her $250,000 winnings/did promotional photo shoots, she gained 20lbs.