
The owners are as cute as the dog. That's a serious accomplishment!

Probably unnecessary, given that another JD First Lady went on to have a tremendous impact on domestic and international politics.

The palace officials issued the original statement, not Prince William. He is known for his dislike of formality, which is one if the reason he likes the Middleton family. I seriously doubt that he gives a shit.

I don't get why this is a big deal. This was guidelines on the UK government's website regarding Royal visits in the UK, not anything released in advance of the visit to the US. They made no announcements at all regarding any dress codes for the US visit. So... everyone made a big hoohaa about a rule that didn't even

I feel actual pain watching these clips

....I'm in that boat with you. We're on the "sprouted 20 holes in the bottom but still clinging to hope SS"

It's illegal because children are unable to consent to sex. Because actual children are actually raped to produce it. In proper BDSM, all parties must consent (this is where "safe words" come from), child porn, by definition, involves abuse, rape, and other crimes.

You are so wrong about this. Children are not legally able to consent. Child pornography is the exploitation of children who, by law, are not able to consent to the acts happening to them in child porn.

But whose morals? Ted Cruz? Pat Robertson? An old racist senator from Alabama? The church lady? My grandmother who loved chickens or a Puerto Rican Grandmother who loves cock fights? You know that your argument is very weak don't you? Maybe the guy who goes to dominatrix to get paddled each week is that nice church

Simulated child porn is not illegal. See Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (SCOTUS 2002).


Tooter, child pornography is illegal because there's a *child* involved. A *child* that legally cannot give consent to sex. A *child* that would have to have sex acts for the film to be considered child pornography.

Are you with us now?

It has nothing to do with obscenity. Are you dense?


To be honest I breathed a sigh of relief when I read that it was fictionalized. Man my bar is so low nowadays.

My Imaginary Best Friend Anna Kendrick can do no wrong.

I'm having a very hard time concentrating on the seriousness of the conversation when this man is so fine.

As a witch I had to hear this crap and still do. I live in the bible belt and people get shocked and shaken when they find out a very attractive woman (that's married to guy in the military that is very Christian) is a witch. Last Sunday we were heading out to lunch and I wanted to take off my pentacle because of the

Everyone who's saying SRA is real to a systematic level beyond a few pedophiles who are very mentally ill... I really would like it if I could see some evidence. This is something I've heavily researched but have never come across anything that ever seemed legitimate. Yet it's something I'm fascinated and almost

Yeah. You don't need "Satan" or a "satanic cult" to have a massive sexual abuse of children coverup. All you need are some permissive bishops, cardinals, a pope or two, and a bunch of priests. Youth pastors and regular pastors work too. Why are people more willing to belive that there's a secret cult of satan

Got links? Everything I've ever read has convinced me it's almost always a hoax or, at worst, a few mentally ill people who have decided to call themselves a cult. I'd be interested in seeing serious research that reached the opposite conclusion.

You guys. The Harvest Church in Hammond is no joke crazy-ass Christianity to the hilt. My mom taught students who went to that church and they spoke pretty openly about their rejection of evolution, science, etc. It creeps me the F out that former congregants of Hosana are there now but it in no way surprises me.