
I wonder what the eventual price will be? In the promo email I received today, it said the price was $1399 for “official launch, limited offer.” Appears at least as if the price will rise after some initial promotional period.

Not true. The P3 starts to loose transmission around 1300-1500 ft from you RC. Less if you are around trees and etc. With the P3 RC extender, you can go up to 4 miles, although I wouldn’t recommend pushing that limit. But you can fly easily in the 2-3 miles range from home base.

What I’m asking is how far will the phantom 4 fly from the RC? The P3 will go about 1500ft before it starts to loose transmission, unless of course you buy one of extenders from various vendors. Does the P4 fly any further or are they about the same?

How far will this new Phantom 4 fly, as compared to the Phantom 3?