
Boy do I feel old reading your comment. I was a few years out of college and working in political journalism when the Lewinsky scandal broke and it was such an exciting time at work. When Monica left for her WH internship, she told friends she was going to go get her “presidential knee-pads”. She was the instigator


The visual of squirrels wearing little fitbits is pretty spectacular.

But that’s what’s so great about science! It literally doesn’t give a shit what I think about it! It just is.

Give him a break -- he only just started Rumspringa and hasn’t had time to shop!

It just doesn’t matter. The stories about his bullshit don’t matter. The papers coming out against him don’t matter. Tweets from Hollywood don’t matter. Comments from the First Lady don’t matter.

I try to watch it every week. It’s really good. They had Bruce Springsteen on last week. did that particular file get billed?

She feeds and entertains her baby? That bitch.

Correct Way to Wash:

1. Hair, as needed. Mine is thin and prone to oiliness, so daily.
1a. Conditioner and other treatments, if necessary
2. Face, with a washcloth & face soap
2a. Face mask, if necessary
3. Pits, crotch, underboob, assorted cracks and folds, with soap and hand
3a. (any actively dirty spots, such as paint,

I wash my legs because I pee in the shower.

same...i couldn’t decide whether to choose that i have leg hair or don’t since i only shave when i absolutely have to.

By voting, we all become Avengers!!

10/10 Would still hit it.

Your next Secretary of Education....

Please stop interfering in our attempts to be offended on someone else’s behalf. If you keep this up, we’ll have to post something in the comments about how we were just “putting this out there” and you “shouldn’t read anything into” this.

At this point LIEUTENANT Olivia Benson (and now Commanding Officer of SVU) has to be making $150k/yr. Her place is hardly extravagant; pretty believable

I was selected to serve on a committee for special education issues for my state. I’m going to serve for three years.

Some of y’all probably saw this on twinja, but my daughter turned thirteen this week so I made one of those stupid chalkboard things for her. She hated me. Also, her two friends flaked on her birthday celebration today, so we’re having a pity party. GOD I don’t miss being a teenager.
