My Law and Order degree says yes.
My Law and Order degree says yes.
Kitties are better than dudes.
Clearly you don’t live in Houston.
It’s ... like ... intersectionality, but for assholishness instead of discrimination? Maybe?
Caitlyn Jenner *is* clueless in her privilege, but that doesn’t make Bette’s tweet any less shitty. I think it’s a bad idea to treat transphobic jokes as if they’re “less bad” depending on how we feel about the individual. Just as racist jokes about black Republicans are still racist and homophobic jokes about gay…
Definitely Caitlyn Jenner has no clue. And the funny thing was how people were treating her as some sort of role model for transgendered people. Christ, that’s like Trump being a role model for the NAACP.
Exactly! This wasn’t about the transgender experience, it was about the Kardashians constant exploitation for ratings! Don’t tell me we can’t bash the Kardashians anymore!?!
This! The names Kardashian and Jenner make everything attached sound like fake ass publicity stunts. Well, maybe not Klohe, she seems to have a soul.
the answer to your question is that for people who can think rationally, yes, it is possible.
That’s the worst rendition of Particle Man I’ve ever seen.
It’s going to be just like this campaign event.
I mean, I do agree with you. The flipside, though, is that he’s so blatantly and painfully invested in public opinions/perceptions of his body parts and is such an evil person that I can see why it might be good to go for his obvious Achilles heel (which in this case is located between his legs).
Sincere question here: hasn’t calling your SO “daddy” been a thing gross people have done for decades? I feel like it’s something I’ve seen in media reaching back atleast half a decade, though I could be wrong. I’m a confabulator
My son is young and not getting the ‘real’ sex ed yet, but we’ve done a lot of preliminary stuff like body sovereignty, proper names of body types, decreasing shame, and talking about pleasure (food is pleasurable, movement of the body is pleasurable, fun things are pleasurable) and how pleasure is a good thing.
Why did Sesame Street send out a blank tweet?
“Best Restaurant in New York” was pee your pants funny and brilliant. I loved that series so much and Caity and Rich are both so phenomenal.
I’ve been commenting on Jezebel and Gawker through two user names (it KILLED me when I lost a starred account in an early Kinja changeover), two degrees, and four moves. It’s helped me procrastinate, meet people when I moved to new cities, given me an online community of hilarious strangers, and taught me about which…
For those people who think the Republican party is dying off, look no further than these women. These ladies are the future of the party. Fall in line, mimic others, have the same message, look the same. They marry men named “Trey”, who has political aspirations. Between running their lifestyle/mommy/fitness blogs and…