Your kid chose #teampie very early. All of us on #teamcake will have to work hard in that one.
Your kid chose #teampie very early. All of us on #teamcake will have to work hard in that one.
I was a thumb sucker so I gave my kids pacifiers immediately. You can take away a dody, thumbs not so much.
I love that! It's a name that means what it says.
Passie and binky I guess are more common? Ucky is hilarious though. Was the middle a thumb sucker or just nothing at all?
Ha! When my son was five he was in the hospital and a nurse referred to his penis as a weewee. He looked at her and said “you mean my penis?” She was so flustered and I just laughed and laughed.
Were your parents sad that was your first word? My son's first word was Pooh (as in Winner the) I was so sad it wasn't mama.
That’s an amazing story! And fire, what a weird choice right? Little kid brains are weird.
YES!! EXACTLY THAT!! Such a gross word.
My eldest made a big ceremony out of throwing his away around 18 months. Never fussed for it after that. My second threw it away and then we discovered she had hidden probably a dozen of them around the house. For weeks she would come toddling out with one in her mouth. So frustrating.
Ha! I wish. I raised talkers. Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talkers.
Oh! Now I just want to share the weird names my kids had for their pacifiers. Oldest kid called his a “nubbin” which is weird because it makes me think of a half chopped off thumb. Second kid called hers an “ooo-ooo-wee” which WTF kid, where did that come from?
Full disclosure, I am not black. You are right, try as I might to be educated and aware I will always see things through a lens of privilege because of that. However the HPD has been progressive for decades, having one of the first black police chiefs and one of the first woman police chiefs of any major metropolitan…
Jesus Christ that's sad.
Power, entitlement, apathy, is it just standard operating procedure for police to check their humanity before they log on for their shift? Apparently.
I posted this and a huge long rant on my Facebook earlier. To me it is damn common sense that you don’t treat people like this. Could you imagine any other profession where a person would perpetrate another human without consent at work and still have a job? There is no justice in the justice system.
Oh I’m blaming myself! I was a 19 year old know it all! That was in no way meant to be a “man they were so stupid I got hurt” comment and was meant to be a “I was so stupid I hurt myself” comment.
I can't wrap my head around it. I keep picturing some shit stain cops doing this to me and then me rotting in prison the rest of my life for murder. I'm so fucking angry.
I don't think it is derailing to say that Houston is better than Jasper. It is. What these cops did is unforgivable and I hope that they are each fired and as a consequence the Harris County sheriff's all relieve intervention and better training. I'm old enough to remember the KKK IN Pasadena and I know that there is…
Should I ever be so lucky!
That is so cool! My boyfriend let my daughter paint his nails this summer and that’s when I knew he was a keeper.