
I keep buns in the freezer. Or at least I do that when my kids go to their dads. When they are home a 16 year old dude and 11 year old female athlete never allow any food to last long enough to go bad. *sigh*

Is this my brother? My brother used to make me pickle sandwiches all summer when he was watching me. It's gross.

Bernie Sanders brought this up at his rally tonight. The party of “family values” absolutely doesn't value your family once they are born. We need comprehensive and accessible child care for all families.

At 9:11 pm every night my son walks up to me and says “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” and then walks away. I immediately took a screenshot of this and sent it to him. We both laughed. So thanks.

You totally need to be buying prescription sunglasses (well any glasses) online!! Sites like goggles4u, firmoo, and zenni offer super cheap (like $15) and cute prescription glasses. I'm like a hoarder now and have dozens of pairs.

I am an anxiety ridden list maker!! My therapist actually was trying to get me to pare down in the lists because she felt like they were unhealthy but I just feel better making them and having them. I love having worst case scenarios and solutions already planned. Lists are amazing.

In November I left my controlling (and abusive if I'm being honest) husband with $800 to my name and no job while I was finishing my finals in the last semester of my undergrad. I really didn't have a plan and it was all just floating from one disaster to the next. BUT!!! Now I have finished my teacher cert, gotten

I got into it with someone once because she thought the way that I was taking about my class was offensive. I used to teach special education and it was a soul grinding job. In the comfort of my own home I shared anecdotes and laughed about the things that happened. Some days were so absurd. If I didn't laugh I would

I just told a family member via Facebook yesterday “yep I am a dirty, pinko, socialist.” It's freeing really to just take control of the name calling.

I took a Women in American History class as an undergrad and she was one of my favorites!! Such a total bad ass.

Gah!!! I was just talking about Ida B Wells in my class yesterday!!! Women like her who have had to fight against the tide of identity politics should be taught and celebrated!! Fannie Lou Hamer is another favorite of mine. *sigh* I'm plastering this all over my socal media.

Sincerely, thank you for linking to the picture. From the article I was expecting something blatant, I have a BA in history and wouldn’t have known this was German soldiers without really studying it.

This just made me giggle uncontrollably. I'm sorry I'm a horrible person. I'm sure your coworkers don't hate you.

It’s the stroke that just sets me on edge. They are notorious for changing a person's very personality. Her wishes and intent for decades goes against this sudden and odd choice.

But not Julia!!

I will always and forever finish any sentence that had TALLER with these lyrics. I heart you for validating me.

I just adore Marge Piercy!!

Nothing to add, just wanted to say I love when people have first hand knowledge that makes a story more truthier.

In regard to the kids’ attorneys okaying it, it seemed like at least one of the attorneys had just been wrangler into this shit show and we’re all “Oh ok wait what?!?” almost as if they were trying to catch up and completely caught off guard.

I’m taking a course in women of color for my grad program and just finished a unit on reproductive justice last week. The Hyde amendment is racist, classist, and should be on everyone’s radar as legalized bullshit. Telling poor women (and especially Native and black women) that they can’t have access to pregnancy