
Same with my son's district. Every kid gets free breakfast and lunch. It's that simple. Until we as a nation realize that it is cheaper to educate our kids than incarcerate our adults we are going to continue to be fucked. Maslow identified this, hungry kids can't learn. If you want to teach kids you have to feed

Yes. I sure am. If here is one thing I'm willing to pay more taxes for, it is damn sure feeding kids.

Yes. Yes it is heartless. Elementary aged kids should not be punished because their parents can’t or didn’t send them with lunch money. There are other ways of holding parents hostage for unpaid fees. Withhold report cards for instance.

Singles is my most watched and most quoted movie. I love it. The soundtrack is just as good today as they day I bought it on tape.

This is the ring my kids got me when I got divorced. It’s supposed to represent the two of them and me. I love it, and them.

ZOMG. So much star centric jewelry. Much want.

I want this ring for realsies.

I think what you have said is honestly what happened. The can was opened out of habit and the flight attendant gave a pat response out of habit as well. Most people don’t question dumb policies on planes anymore when they are done out of “safety concerns.” This just happened to have been the worst time for her to have

I’m so late to the thread BUT my 11 year old just told me yesterday that she is getting hair “down there” so I was putting together a first period starter kit last night. There are some adorable tampon wallets on Etsy that I found.

“No one gets cancer from farts, but if someone is just ripping ass in your face, I think you probably have the right to ask them to stop.”

I’m glad to see that someone else picked up on “the opponent.”

This is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened on Gawker.

My life is very exotic.

I just sent out four of the mystery dicks. Couldn’t think of a better way to spend $30.

I just woke up my guinea pigs I was laughing so hard. Totally worth it.

I can’t second everything that you said enough. Twilight and its like are like a gateway drug to reading for a lot of people (tweens, teens and adults) and much of the great popularity of some great YA owes its success to Twilight. I wish it weren’t so but whatever gets people reading and even better, reading good

My eyes read Justin Bobby but my brain read Bobby Trendy.

I can't stand this mother and her ilk. SHE'S the reason teachers are alcoholics.

NOOOOOOO! That was us a few years ago THANKS HURRICANE SEASON