
This is how my mom divorced her ex in the 80s. She then had to go through a separate set of jumping through bureaucratic hoops to have it ruled as abandonment so that my dad could adopt her older kids. That was also done involving publication somehow but I don't know the details. Facebook would actually make this much

I want to ride Adam Levine like a tricycle.

I hate myself for it but I can't explain it you guys...I WANT TO FUCK HIM. There is something about his douchey, hirsute self that just gets me going. I'm getting help for it.

The whole time I read this article all I could think about was the fucked up inverse relationship between slow nights (not much tip money) and tons of bullshit cleaning work. It was the most fucked up part of waiting tables at one place I served time at. If we were slow our manager expected us to clean the fuck out of

Cute boys in love with politics. I was too young to know he had horrible taste.

My gramma had 11 kids in 13 years. My grampa was an abusive asshole. This was not a coincidence.

That would be Out Of This World.

Family Ties was the first show I ever loved. I cried watching the finale. Alex P. Keaton gave me an unrealistic expectation for all future men.

Middle schoolers don't love anything!! Just kidding, half of them would think this was too cool and half of them would talk about me behind my back.

This was my first thought. But I teach middle school so I know the answer.

I blame the heat. For all the oddity.

Samesies. Threw my tray down the galley and waltzes the fuck out.

I'm dying at the Houston only one thing has to look good theory. H-Town girl here and that is real asfuck. Good clothes? Mascara and chapstick and messy bun. Good hair? Gym shorts, tank and that's that. Full gorge face of on point make up? Everything else like shit.

What is it with grad school? My anxiety amped up and the meds I had taken for years quit working. I'm pretty evened out now though thank the stars.

I am a graduate of (and a grad student at) a UofH campus and this has been a huge deal around these parts. Everyone is trying to pull strings to get a ticket and/or hustling friends walking at main campus to get to go. Mainly I'm trying to figure out where he's going to go out to while he's in town so that I can

This is the new now.

Ugh same here. I was becoming ill.

I wasn't into makeup at all!!! Then I dropped like $50 to buy the whole shebang from primer to brushes. If I had had to spend the money to buy all in for a pricey brand I would still be sporting a naked face.

The thing I hate the most about living in the south is the lack of White Castle. Racism is second.

All I could think about when I saw that picture is how hot I think Alan Alda is. As a little kid my dad and I watched MASH and I always thought he was so dreamy. Hot and asshole-ish and smart and passionate. *swoon*