
I think it's wonderful of you to be honest and open. My biggest advice is to not meet the kid or do stuff together until you really know how you feel about this dude. When I was a single mom I had a rule that guys didn't meet my kids unless it was getting serious. Like serious serious. Nothing makes me angrier than

Ya, it seems like you are invested in him. You need to just cut ties doll. But be honest ya know? Tell him you think he's great but that you want to be a first choice and not a what if. Then seriously close the door. No internet stalking, no lurking his FB feed. If he wants to be with you he will and if not you

Well now, that depends. If you are able to keep yourself from having emotional attachment and would like to keep having the sexy times then party on Garth! However, if you are twisted up by this and really want to have a monogamous relationship with him then, yes. It's time to cut ties whether he wants that or not.

My friends and I use it for random stuff. There is a commercial on right now where the dude with a guitar in chaps and a cowboy hat says "I just got bacon from a pig, I JUST GOT BACON FROM A PIG." For some reason we think that's funny and snap it back and forth whenever we see it. Never for duh nudes. That's what kik

That's so weird that your mom is also my mom. Hahaha, just a little "my mom is a horror who makes me want to stab something" humor. But in all seriousness, I cut my mom out almost right years ago and I've never looked back. Narcissists are the worst and having one as a mother, you know the person who is supposed to be

I think so much of it has to do with what your major is though too. I'm a history major and I haven't had a multiple choice test in a history class ever. It's all higher order thinking and reading and writing, so much writing. However when I was in the education program those classes were a joke. I actually had a

Are you me? Lol. We went the ikea picnic table route. They are about $100 and have a movable bench on one side and two chairs in the other. Really perfect.

Isn't Texas west of the Mississippi? Because we lurve our sopapillas.

Sweet baby Jesus!!! Can that spin off please happen?!?!? You just described everything I love most about all 4,827 hours of True Blood I have endured. And if Eric could just lounge around semi-naked in the background please and thank you.

OMG Effexor fatty here. I busted my ass and lost A LOT of weight and then had to go back on meds for anxiety and I've been battling the bulge. Ugh. Medicine.

Now playing

There is a much much MUCH better video on you tube. So.

I love Heathers and quote it nearly daily. I have a teen son that I introduced to it and he also loves it. He said the two movies are similar but that Heathers is "for like meaner and angrier people."