
I don’t know. Maybe I’m getting old and bitter, but the more new people they hire at my job, the more of them behave like this girl. Of course there are a ton of conclusions and judgements one can draw. The reality doesn’t change though - I’ve met an alarming number of people who act like this girl. It blows me away -

Good list! I forgot about Minecraft.... I would bring that too.

That’s an interesting idea - games that are not out yet. If you’re stuck it might be nice to experience a new game. The gamble is if the game sucks, then you burned a choice on a crappy game. I applaud you though for taking such a leap, sir.

1) Brood War

Umm, I’m a graduate from 2008 and in my real world experience I am completely comfortable in saying the vast majority of college grads from the 2008 year D-ohnuts mentioned haven’t fulfilled the first criteria in the quote from Trent: “built a surprisingly large business from scratch”, let alone fulfilled all the

Don’t feel bad, the vast majority of college grads haven’t been able to do those things. In many cases it’s not from a lack of trying either...

Getting over someone is tough, but the key is to focus on the present without them. I was engaged for 3 years and we both had families on opposite sides of the US. Literally at the same time we were called to family obligations - taking care of sick members. The outlook didn’t look good and we knew we would be years

Having worked in retail I guarantee it was a lot of people. I managed a retail store for a bookstore corporation (guess which one lol), but we also sold on Amazon, and of course our own website. It was daily someone would email me like the world was ending and ask me something like, “WHERE IS MY ORDER?!” or “HOW LONG

So an entire apartment complex, home to 1000 people, should have to suck it up and lose sleep at night, when most people sleep, because you have to sleep during the day? Sorry man, but just because you don’t sleep when most do, and work when most don’t doesn’t mean keeping others up through the night is acceptable.

Fuck you. Do you have PTSD? Do you know someone who has PTSD? Do you have GAD? Do you know someone who has GAD? There are literally millions of people who are negatively impacted by random loud explosions, particularly at night, and you think it’s okay to drag that nonsense out for two weeks? Even if you never

I understand. Regardless, you guys are doing great work!

Gofundme bro. I mean, I’m very picky about what I contribute to. Usually I will contribute my time, more than anything. But you sir, have me wanting to give to your cause. Setup a Gofundme, maybe Kotaku can mention it, plus others like it.

LOL! It’s one of those things that’s so awful you can’t help but watch. Well, almost. I’ve seen maybe four episodes? I stopped after that because my roommates got tired of me yelling at the TV hahaha.

It’s painful. They do the most outlandishly impossible stuff under the guise of “technology” to save the day from some equally outlandish criminal who is doing equally impossible stuff with technology for various reasons. There was one episode where a hacker was taking control of cars (which were too old to be

This makes me miss campfires so much. It’s been far to dry for too long here to have one. I only got one fire in this year. It did make a delicious meal though.

Some people don’t want to advance. If you do want to advance, and you can’t and you work around other people who you can’t stand, it’s time to find a different job. I gave up good employment because I felt I couldn’t advance. I was nervous about my decision, afraid to lose the job security, and the benefits. I made

It’s very true. I had a fast-paced job which required diligent problem solving. In the two jobs I’ve had since then I often find myself asking why nobody has addressed obvious problems. I recommend everyone try a fast paced job that requires critical thinking. Every job after that will seem like cake. You can either

Loafers are a rarity these days! At least in my office.

I had no idea so many people where opinionated about tie knots. I mean, myself, I think shoelace knots is where it’s at. People know you’re looking at their ties, nobody suspects you to look at their shoe laces. THAT’s where you see who a person really is.

This isn’t even an exaggeration, at all. Some writers, most likely for CSI Cyber (if it’s still around), will write this episode exactly how you described it. I mean, to the absolute letter.