
You can clearly see the evolution of his persona over time. It’s easy to see the character separating from the man as time goes on. Really, it’s not hard or hidden.

It’s plain as day to see. Watch and read some of his old stuff, then watch and read some contemporary stuff. He makes “Jeremy Clarkson” out to be this bumbling oaf who barely knows how to drive a car. In reality he knows a lot about cars, and mechanics, and working with his hands (his supposed phobia). He’s also very

Double reply - I meant there would be not be a larger trans cooler on an automatic performance pack car, because such a car cannot be spec’d from Ford. Not sure if police cars are an exception.

Track Pack (Performance Pack) is manual only. No options from Ford are available for a larger trans cooler for an automatic.

Wow, that’s beyond cheap. At least rent the damn thing and spend more than 15 minutes with it.

A lot of states down in the US of A will automatically fail emissions and inspection for the engine swap. CP all the way if you live in one of those states. Plus the automatic....

Won’t pass emissions where I live. Automatic CP.

Had a similar incident driving home from work late at night. Was doing 65mph - the posted speed limit - in my Bronco. Was passed by a GMC Jimmy (you know, those Chevy Blazer clones) doing at least 90+ mph. About 10 minutes later 2 squad cars pull me over and both patrolmen run up to my door, throw it open, and slam me

But it runs on methanol/gas mix - not the best street build then is it.

That’s..... that’s insane.

That’s a wonderful thought. I’m not being sarcastic, it really is. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. In Phoenix for example, 80% of people did not pay their tickets 2009 (the year I lived there). In fact it was so bad the city and state just wiped out the records, took down the cameras, and started from scratch. No joke.

Increasing speed limits brings along a multitude of issues most people don’t think about. Increased energy consumption, increased number of fatal accidents, increased fuel consumption - which for the trucking industry will get passed right on to consumers. So while it would be nice to do 90 mph to work for you,

You clearly have no concept of the law. The speed limit, by itself is the legal limit of speed you’re allowed to go. Unless posted otherwise, a driver has the legal right to go under that limit whenever they want - unless they’re going insanely slow. Your entire argument is invalid because the party going too fast has

LOL, he has a better attitude than you do, at least on the interwebz.

Can confirm GT plus PP package for $32K.

2015 GT owner here. Good article, is very accurate and describes why I bought one. Also, I might add most people don’t even notice the horse on the ground light in today’s world of gimmicks and tricks. One note about the cars that I might point out - you’re probably never going to go racing in your pride and joy. If

Not sure if you’re trolling..... It must take all those Harley riders ages to ride across the US to various Bike Weeks only doing 10 miles at a time....

Can also confirm oil consumption claims. Girlfriend had one, and she added oil every 1.5k miles on the dot. When she sold it she sold it “as is” and noted to the buyer that it consumed oil. They ran the engine dry and seized it and tried to sue her. So even after the car was gone it was a headache.

I always find an end spot with a curb on one side. Then I park right up against the curb without rubbing the sidewall. Even in really confined spaces this often leaves so much room on the neighboring parking space, that another driver usually has enough room to swing their door wide open and not hit my car. The only

Same exact situation here in Colorado. 11:30pm on the dot every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They spend an hour douching around before going to a location somewhere. I’ve called it in before but the police act like I’m expecting them to catch Wonder Woman in her invisible jet - and not a bunch of morons in the same