Waiting for a Star to Fall

I get what you’re saying and agree with all of it, but Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both claimed on the record that the primaries were “rigged” for Hillary. That didn’t help. And they were just falling in line with what the Bernie campaign was already saying.

What they’re missing in teeth they apparently have gained in muscle mass. Look at these freaks. Is that steroids? It has to be. Those guys are gigantic. 

I’m in Boston, mama. 


Nope. I’m a man that won’t stand for the blatant misogyny of Bernie Bois. I used to support him. Attended the rallies, spread the word, even did a little meme spreading on social media. I was into him and I was into the scene. Reminded me of good Phish lots, pre-hiatus.

Factually incorrect false equivalency disproven by several scientific standardized tests over the course of several decades.

Tell that to the Bernie Bois who refuse to vote unless he personally requests the favor.

Vote a straight blue ticket or die.

The circumcision rabbit hole is a particularly deep one... 

Both David and Goliath were giant *ssholes. Goliath for obvious reasons: bigtime bully, bad [or sick] guy. But David wasn’t the hero everyone says. He was a cheating scoundrel, a slick pipsqueak that broke every rule en route to victory. Both sides were wrong.

That may be the case, that nobody cares about my MMA opinions. I fully admit that though I am advanced at my stage of learning I am no sensai, I am but a student and the education ahead of me stretches farther than I can see. That said, I am a student with goals. This is... no simple hobby to me. I take BJJ and Muay

Every MMA fighter gets punched a lot.  I just do a lot of sparring so I probably get punched more.  It’s not a bad thing plus there’s a learning curve. 

Confirmed by @RVAWonk on Twitter.  She is the authority on Antifa and one of their top ranking members.  After this gif went viral she tweeted: “The assault on Richard Spencer never happened, but it should have.” Or something to that effect.

It’s “whomstever,” and you’re missing the point.  The punch wasn’t a punch.  It was a push.  And it was designed to trick folks like you into salivating over a faux act of violence thereby legitimizing it and making Spencer out to be the victim. You are literally helping him. 

This is the first notification I have received in hours. I cannot tell you how excited I was to receive it. I was looking at various How To videos on Youtube and thought “Hey, maybe I should check back in with Splinter News Site to see if anyone has liked a post of mine, or even replied” and so I did.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is garbage unless you’re on the ground. If you’re grappling, sure it’s superior and yeah I wish I knew it better. I only dabble in it now because I don’t have enough time to perfect it. My expertise is in the art of eight limbs, or Muay Thai. We utilize strike-first combat to neutralize our

Reminder that the puncher here was not Antifa. He was a Spencer ally and this was staged to garner sympathy for the Alt Reich and allow them to claim victim status.

Every single day some sort of economic figure is released, and every single one of these figures are seasonally-adjusted or otherwise distorted to get rid of outliers and non-trend bumps or dips. Tomorrow we have Non Farm Payrolls and Unemployment, you will see this number pimped somewhere as it is every month. It

Jesus Chrtis...

Intentional or not, you hit the nail directly on the head so hard with this comment it flew out of the other side of earth into space and took out a few greys.