Triple O

+1 former star.

Mom: Okay Derrick, make sure you’re washed up before dinner.

I’m not going to work tomorrow. I need to be with a beer.


tl;dr racist grandpa

Having been raised in the deep south, I can tell you it’s quite common for people there to be very kind and nice to individual minorities they know in their actual lives, while regularly spouting the most horrificially racist stuff about minority groups in general, and more importantly, voting in accordance with those

Maybe develop spider senses.

Jon Ryan might be dead.

“How’s my driving? Call me and tell me so I can find you and punch you.”

He.... he’s not REALLY named Naughty, right? Greatest troll of all time?

I agree. If anything, his nickname should be “Bleached Asshole.”

This is trying way too hard. Bleach Boy is a terrible nickname, and I hope it sticks with him forever as penance for being an attention whore.


Disgusting. As soon as my team stops being good, I’m giving serious consideration to not watching as much.

I say 85% chance this is all bullshit and both Brady and Belichick vehemently deny this tomorrow. I really do not believe that they did this.

You’re right. The rule application is pretty rigid, and feels shitty, but that’s their rule. Either the Hall of Fame guys have hearts of stone, or they are now run by computers whose algorithms do not allow for grey areas and interpretations.

The NFL is seperate from the HOF. That is true of most sports in the US.

are you just bored or something?

Don’t listen to the song!