Triple O

The issue is that it does and has manifested on the court. Hence my reference to the Mavs series.

Jordan is the best ever because he possessed a kill or be killed mentality Lebron just doesn’t have. I’ll give him the nod over Kareem (who is too often excluded from this conversation) because he changed the conventional wisdom that you always build with a big man rather than from the wing.

Your citation to the PPP numbers really don’t do Harden’s ISO production any justice.

He’s averaging more points (11.8) when he goes ISO (9.6 times per game) than everyone (regular players only) else in the league averages in transition, on post ups, off hand offs, as the roll man in the P&R, on spot up shots, off

The difference is that you weren’t forced to rent your $285,000 house to someone for $1500 a year over the last 5 years.

If Piper was alive she’d have been his protege and he’d have done all the talking and she all the hip tosses and clothes lines (cuz we know she’s gonna suck at wrestling for a while).

She’s a terrible actor and they know it, which is why all she did was smile, wave, stare, and shake hands. I don’t know how they can expect to have others carry her water re presentation when she’s no longer the unstoppable force she once was, is a wrestling novice, and is a teeeible actor.

The one isn’t an improvement because Alexa on the One is garbage. Only thing that works consistently is music. Can’t get any good advice on the Sonos forums because everyone there seems to be trying to convince themselves that the $200 they spent on top of the 5k plus they spent to outfit the rest of their homes with

The one isn’t an improvement because Alexa on the One is garbage. Only thing that works consistently is music. Can’t

I was sitting about 15 feet away from the spot where it happened. Agreed. Failed wrap up. Maybe a flagrant 1. Didn’t merit an ejection.

*White Jesus



Nah, the lesson is “take the much of it as you can get someone to pay you.”


I should tell you if you’re serious? Okay, you’re not serious. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Not sure if you’re serious.

I don’t think anything I’ve said implies that I’m uncomfortable or feel inconvenienced by the protests at all, so I’ll assume that part was just a general statement. I genuinely wanted civil discussion on what the endgame (if any) might be, and I appreciate that I’ve gotten that here.

Re awareness, as a black

You’re right, and if memory serves me correctly, he was actually a 77-78 in 2k17. Not sure what he did last year to deserve a boost.

Ha, probably cuz of all the typos lol (dang autocorrect)

I appreciate your comment, though.

On another note, Seth happens to be married to a black woman, which means in addition to being a decent person, he’s got a real stake in the issues raised by his protest.

So we aren’t talking about Colin Kaepernick then?