
OSHA should bring a lawsuit for you.

Why would they release this turd during the weekend when most dumbass kids (that would be the target demo) are heading back to college and otherwise preoccupied?

Because they weren't created by talented people using their imaginations, but because focus groups felt they were the cutest non-threatening, magical, pan-sexual spokesthings of the bunch that marketing came up with. At least, I assume that was the case.

It couldn't even manage to get an F grade. The worst failure of all.

Anything to get her out of the drudgery of Mereen.

I did watch it. I'm still hoping he changes his mind. Grrr…

They're like Dothrakis in that way.

You mean the Mereen scenes might start to get interesting now? Hopefully, Tyrion or somebody convinces Dany to get teh hell out of there already.

Yep. They killed and covered up the crime together. Jay just went to the cops first. Now, Adnan can't say "Hey, Jay was with me when I did it!", because all that would do is implicate the both of them. He just has to play the "I have no idea why he would say I killed her" card. Any change in his story now would

I'd have thought the same, but Jay knew where Hae's car was left. One of them killed her, it's the only answer.

I got pissed at myself for thinking the same thing. Instead of having a reaction to what was happening on screen, I started dreading the inevitable "GoT has a rape problem!" pieces it would birth. Again. This happens every year.

They're setting Ramsay up for a serious comeupance, but I'm thinking it's got to be Theon that provides it. Either that or Sansa. Brienne a distant third.

I would've thought the wedding night of a forced marriage to a psychopath that was part of family that murdered your borther and mother in cold blood would have been more romantic!

ALL GREAT! My favorite moment is Tom Kenney's ridiculous Lincoln in the founding fathers sketch. Still the hardest I've ever laughed at anything, the first time he opened his mouth.


We'll always have the Raid films, though.

They ARE listening to the paying public. Those films you mentioned have made billions together.

Ain't nobody going to see a non-sexy Civil War story. I'm on Team Sexy.

No, not rough at all.

This is the problem the new Spiderman films fall into, IMO. NONE of them are grounded in the real world, at a Peter Parker level. I love Spiderman not at "world/city destroying" stakes but at real, human-level stakes.