The agent didn’t do anything wrong though. The child has a different last name than the mother and those rules are in place to keep abductions from happening. Imagine if she had let an abductor through because she didn’t want to be seen as racist?
The agent didn’t do anything wrong though. The child has a different last name than the mother and those rules are in place to keep abductions from happening. Imagine if she had let an abductor through because she didn’t want to be seen as racist?
That’s not rhetorical. Uber is illegal in most countries for a reason. I’m glad us Germans didn’t fall for this. And lives are more important than profits. So, no thank you, robot cars
Not a good analogy. Uber is a tech company developing new tech. Questions should be asked but this article saying Uber has no business here is stupid.
My wife is currently pregnant, and has been taking Lyft to and from work as it’s easier for her than taking the subway. The Lyft bill has been running her about $1,200 per month. However, since all of her rides cost more than $15 (and she’s taking ten of them per work week), I don’t know how this would be of use for…
It shows it’s an important movie if you still think it’s ok to bash and discriminate poly people. But you wouldn’t dare to say the same thing about a gay couple anymore.
He (and his wife!) have basically admitted that the intention originally was just to get his message out there, but now he is dead serious about winning. And I believe that; he’s hired a lot of people and taken in a lot of money. Unlike a lot of people who run for President, Bernie likes being a Senator and probably…
But the whole point is that democratic socialism != socialism. It’s confusing because both use the word “socialism,” but they are different things entirely.
This is just a theory, but it’s also absolutely correct and pretty much inarguable: Bernie Sanders ran for president…