
Of all the analysis of the Cinci—Pit game that I have heard and read, this is literally the only one to even mention the Bernard hit, which had me pissed off and yelling at the screen. So thank you for that as I think the context of it is actually important to the overall analysis of those last few minutes. Also, all

I don't say this lightly, but that was a freaking fantastic review, Myles! I loved Josh's coverage, but this is highly promising. I wasn't sure I'd keep watching this show since the only storyline I've cared about lately is Ian and Mickey's, but if this is indicative of the quality of review we'll be getting, I might

"Misanthropic" is not a term that I think ever works in conjunction with a Doctor Who episode, so I'd be curious to know how Voyage of the Damned works out to be such. I think it's one of the more Doctor-centric episodes, but as such, in keeping with the deeper themes of the show and the character, I think it's still

I thought for a second that after the hooker jumped, the camera would pan down to show her on the ground with just a broken leg for all her trouble, as a fall from that height (assuming she hadn't landed on her head) would have probably left her with. But then I remembered this isn't a comedy, sadly.

The problem here is totally the way that Danny has no sympathy whatsoever. His position is so horribly wrong that you can't get behind him at all, and I too think that seems like something of a departure from where the show was with him before. It's one thing to have them fight, and I certainly think it's fine to

I don't understand the slight insults towards the companion sendoff episodes. Rose's goodbye and Donna's memory wipe were WONDERFULLY well done and episodes dripping with pathos. I'd say the same for Amy and Rory, and that's taking into consideration how much I hate Eleven and the Ponds. With that being said, if we

Sorry, but no, I was in the "I'll believe he's dead when I see his dead body" camp. It was obvious to me that the guts we saw being ripped out couldn't have belonged to Glenn given how purposeful the staging of the fall was. That's not to say that given his yelling his head off in such close proximity to feeding

While this show is still failing on the character and motivational levels, I will say this episode at least starts to showcase where this all could be going heading forward, and that's nice. I agree with the review that they know what the characters want but not why they want it, and that's a problem, but at least

"I think the ire came from it being so OBVIOUS that it was the gimmick they were going for. It gave no one the ability to weep(figuratively or otherwise) for the character. If it turned out to be a fake out(as it, of course, was) then we had to spin our wheels while they played it out. If turned out he was dead, then

While I think that that makes a level of sense, I would also point out that one day under a dumpster would hardly make someone a fully changed man. I don't know whether or not Glenn will be changed by his experiences here, but I do think that expecting him to be changed in this episode would be asking for way too

Let's say for the sake of argument that the point of Glenn's apparent death was just to fuck with the audience, is that such a bad thing as motivations go? It's not like playing with an audience's emotions is a new thing even on TWD. What is death on most shows, certain deaths on this one not withstanding, but a ploy

Hate to be that guy, but I so called that she wasn't Wes' mother but that she and Eve had something to do with his mother's death! That was the most gratifying moment of the episode as I am very rarely right on my speculations of any show! So I'm going to have this moment and run with it!

Nothing about that suggests he's being under utilized.

I think she was taking that basket back to the pantry, not back home, but I could be wrong. I don't know the Alexandria layout well enough to know where she was when she was attacked.

I expect we'll get into the habit of seeing Eli every other episode? It at least feels like that's what they've been doing this season, so I assume it'll continue apace.

Ok, I don't think you're wrong about Annalise and Wes, but I also don't think her being his mom is the only answer possible. I've thought that was the case since the beginning, but now I'm thinking it's too easy for them to go there. So now I wonder if it isn't possible that Annalise is responsible for or feels

No mention of William Fichtner's worse gay man performance in the history of acting? Seriously, he was phoning it in like it's no one's business.

2 whole episodes watched and an entire opinion formed? Wow, I bet this is just the most accurate depiction of what this entire show will be.

I think the fact that the horrors of Eastman's past took place pre-zombies is the most remarkable thing ever. In keeping with the conversation from last week about how bleak this show tends to be, it's a clear case of the writers reminding us that things were bad for some people well before things were bad for

If it is, then they still cut it over the "You're all garbage" scene. And it's really problematic for them to air a teaser right before the episode purposefully asking "And what happens to make her say this:" and then air the you're all fired line. You're right a lot of shows are doing season previews in the post