
Serious problem here: how is it that "you're all fired!" is scene in the preview for the episode, is even put in the teaser for the episode after Scandal is over, and yet is turned into "You're all garbage" for the episode itself. I'm generally fine with previews being edited in a manner that can be misleading or

"no guy is sprinkling rose petals on the floor because he wants to."

I don't know that I fully understand some of these reviews. TWD had been dark and rather pessimistic pretty much since the beginning. It's clear that they don't ever want this to be rose-tinted and happy-go-lucky. So I'm confused when the AVC reviews seem to chide the show for being what it's always been, even when

I honestly don't know how I feel about so much of the Keating 5's actions on this episode. I think it makes perfect sense, and I want to commend the show on at least remembering that murder can have serious psychological ramifications on the people who commit it. But I'm so in Annalise's corner that I can't help but

On point review. I've never been an Olivia-Fitz fan in the slightest, but this episode put them in perspective that they've never had before and it worked wonderfully well. I'm in and I'm not going anywhere!

Usually when I'm asked what super power I'd want, I say Flight. From now on, I think I'm going with furry fellatio!

Yeah, I don't hate Iris or anything, I think she's fine and I liked her with Eddie, but I don't think her and Berry have a believable chemistry at all. And I think that them having grown up together makes me think it's more likely that they'd view each other more as brother-sister than in any romantic sense.

The manner in which Jake and Amy's relationship isn't the focal point of each episode is really to be commended. I think they spun out the will they won't they thing for a respectable amount of time, and now they they have, it's nice to see them just kind of being together in an organic and simple way. Jake's one

Yeah I guess they don't really cover shows on MTV. You know except every single episode Teen Wolf. Clearly there's no precedence whatsoever.

How do you mention Faking It on here but not cover it regularly? It's amazing, and would be great in regular AVC coverage!!!! I want it so bad!

More badassness for Maggie was all this episode lacked for me.

I don't disagree that the episode was overstuffed, but I certainly didn't think the storylines were at all hard to follow. This is mostly because I think the show made the simple mistake of constantly replaying previous scenes to "help" viewers keep up. So when Bonnie shows up in the garage with Ashur, and we

What I don't understand is how Cyrus can go, in one monologue, from telling Millie to do something that would hurt Fitz, to calling Fitz his child and talking about how worried for him he is. I don't think Cyrus (or maybe the show in general?) understands parenthood if he thinks that having his feelings hurt by his

I'm not a person who's read the comics (my extent of Flash knowledge comes from the JLA cartoons, and those were with Wally), but I'm knowledgeable enough to know that Iris and Berry are a thing from the comics. But in the update of this story for a contemporary and CW audience, I just feel like it would have made

"As for Patty Spivot, it’s too early to say whether she’ll make a better match for Barry than Iris"

"And I just thought, really, on a whim, why would The Doctor feel wedded to a screwdriver?”

I totally see what you're saying, and it makes a level of sense, but I would point out that I don't think we actually have gotten enough about Bonnie one way or the other to either prove or disprove that she's sociopathic enough to do what she did and just get on with it. I felt like Bonnie was one of least defined

Oliver being more incorporated into the rest of the group, or at least developing a friendship with Michaela, is everything I want! I love him so freaking much!

"Either Anika has practical value to a record label or she was riding Lucious’ coattails"

I agree with pretty much all of this except the points made about Chris Rock. I think it bespeaks a flaw on the part of the viewer if you can't see him without waiting for him to be typical Chris Rock. I thought he played against type rather impressively. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it was Emmy award winning or