
Ditto! After so many years of glossing over, totally ignoring, or even crafting narratives that hide contestant's homosexuality, the show finally cut that out and allowed some honesty. Or at the very least, Travis forced some without thought or worry to what the response might be, and if so, good for him!

The problem I have with it is that I wasn't impressed with Gaby and Zach's number. Or to be more specific, I wasn't anywhere near as impressed with it as I was with Zach and Aaron's tap number at the same point in last year's competition.

The only justification I can think of for another season is that American Idol and SYTYCD have been the one-two punch of the summer for Fox for so long. So, out of loyalty, it would make sense to give Dance it's final season right after doing so for Idol. Both of which are produced by Nigel anyway, so it would be a

I also wanted a Jaja victory, but a lot of that has to do with the fact that I never quite let go of the probability that this was the last season. As such, ending on a female hip hop dancer taking the crown would have shown a great progression for the show since it's first season. It would have also solidified Hip

I certainly think all of those reasons are why she was so consistently nominated for Emmy's, but why she never won is beyond me. She's really amazing, and I'll miss her more than I will most other aspects of the show.

The Alex and Jim number was BRILLIANT on a crazy level. And I fully understand why it exists as I've been wanting to see them on stage together all season too. But I also think it's still just another moment of Jim being great in his own style in a season where he never quite made it work in another style. Seeing him

I certainly see what you're saying, and you're right that it's a creative choice, or at least probably a creative choice instead of just being horribly lazy, but I also think a part of criticism is the ability to say "That was a bad choice because…" And that's what we're finding here with the doctors. One quick watch

Regardless of how useful an original script might be, I think the main point is why should anyone have to turn on CC in order to understand a character that's, ostensibly, speaking English? If the creators don't want to put in the work to make the characters understood, then why should any viewer go out of their way

….for me, the jury's still out on how much personality or talent Rudy had. I think a lot of other people liked him a lot more than I did. I felt like the idea of him having a big personality was a storyline crafted by the judges to distract from what I thought of as a serious lack in talent. But that's just me. There

Little girls and probably some boys who think he's really cute are probably voting for Derek. His last minute save from the twitter vote a couple weeks back and his near miss this week suggest that to me. But I doubt it'll keep him above water for long, it's the same thing that happened to Rudy last year, I think.

I didn't see what Spencer said about his number with Asaf, can you give a recap, or a link maybe?

I agree that the girls are heads above the boys this year, and I'm still holding out for an all female top 4 of Hailee, Gaby, Jaja, and Megz. But I don't agree with your position on Virgil and Neptune. They've been the stand out guys on team street from the word go, and maybe that says more about the guys on team

We'll agree to disagree on the Scott and Stiles thing. If you're coming from a place where "There aren't any relationships that are that strong. Conflict is kind of the heart of drama, and there are no relationships even in real life that completely lack conflict." then we fundamentally view relationships differently.

1) I willfully admit to knowing next to nothing about dance on a regular basis, both in comments here and in my own blog where I write up this show weekly.

The sad part about this episode for me was the huge blown opportunity for them to solidfy the show's strongest relationship instead of driving it apart. Look, don't get me wrong, I think Theo's been very skillful at telling everyone exactly what they want to hear how they want to hear it to get his desired outcome.

I can't agree with you on the Jim point. I think the fact that the judges (or at least Nigel who I don't like, but still lend at least a small amount of credence to) and now Oliver have all said the same thing, and then coupled with the fact that I watched his paired dance last night constantly thinking almost exactly

Oh ok, got ya. Misunderstood your original point. It sounded like you understand the potential comparison of the dancers and not the incorrect comparison of the dances themselves. My bad.

There won't be a next year, of that I'm becoming more and more sure with each passing week. But beyond that, I have to disagree with the point that the choreographers were forced to come up with more interesting stories for their same-sex pairs. Last week saw two different routines where the girls were just being sexy

I don't think that the comparison makes sense beyond the surface level of them both being Asian Ballet dancers. They look nothing alike, have totally different personalities, and Jim simply is no near as good as Alex was. Had Alex not gotten injured, I'm still of the opinion that he would have won his season, while I

While I didn't have a problem with Gaby as Geisha, I did have a problem with Tookey's routine last week that had something to do with race somehow. It felt exactly like what it was: a privileged white woman forcing her rose tinted view on race relations down our throats, and I'm pretty much sick of sitting through