
I'd say much the same thing here that I said below: he might have willed himself into being an alpha, but he didn't will himself into being a ware wolf in general. And the suppression of his asthma came with being made a ware wolf, not with his becoming an alpha. So why should his will slipping bring his asthma back?

I think the important thing to remember about this is that his asthma attacks, or more specifically his previous lack of asthma attacks, have nothing to do with him being an alpha or not being an alpha, it's about him being a ware wolf. So unless the docs are sapping away his ware wolf abilities all together, I don't

I think that makes sense. My question would be has the show done anything to set that up or enforce it at all? It's a serious change to his physiology that has to be addressed if it's to be believed. This isn't the kind of thing I think you can leave up to the viewer to put the pieces together on on their own.

In reluctant defense of the Hayden Liam stuff, the hatred she felt for him was based on an idiot thing from the 6th grade. So if she loses it in the midst of an episode or two, that should be more than OK.

I'll give the show this much credit, when Stiles goes to Lydia to tell her it's Parrish, she doesn't try to defend him or doubt Stiles' findings. She believes him and they move right into trying to help him and fix the problem. That's much better than the tired trying to protect the love interest trope.

My guess is that most people who like him like him because he's cute more than because he's sympathetic as a character. I don't think the music cue during his story was meant to manipulate viewer emotions so much as to hint at what Stiles' own emotional state at hearing the story might have been. But all the same, if

I see your point, and I don't disagree fully, but just to play devil's advocate in favor of Big Bad structure, this is also supposed to be the Senior Year season which, historically speaking, is meant to be a big deal. I think picking a Big Bad that represents that thematically and also is the biggest bad that the

It depends on what you mean, or what you think the doctors mean, by success or failure. To my understanding, the other chimeras failed in the tasks they were set. They didn't fail to be chimeras, they're transformations were complete and accurate. I don't think it would make much sense to say that they failed at doing

I can understand that. I would still say to place the blame where it belongs though; the 12 episode run time is a blessing for those who know how to work within it. The producers and showrunners made the wrong choice if they were faced with cutting 4b and decided to cram its story into 4a instead of simply pulling it

Why do you think they want the audience to like Theo? I don't see any evidence of that. They want the other members of the pack to like him, and to be blinded by his act (or his abs as seems to be the case with Malia), but I don't think they've done anything to suggest they want him to be seen as sympathetic or

I could be wrong, but I think we've finally reached a point where there are more 12-13 episode long seasons on TV than there are 22 outside of the prime time soaps. At the very least most shows outside the major networks are going with the shorter run. To me that's to the show's credit. So I don't think the problem

I don't think the bad writing stops at Scott. It feels like this season is the season of characters keeping secrets for secrets sake, and that's just boring. If they had a greater reason for the lies, it would be better, but it's just ham-fisted, forced drama and that's never compelling.

I don't know if anyone else has made mention of this in the comments after only a cursory scan through, but Skin Grafts aren't the actual link between the chimeras. It's about transplants and the implementation of a second DNA strain into the body which makes them "natural chimeras" before being made supernatural

Mia being more of a mother figure instead of a romantic connection is my single favorite thing about this first season. It was a genius twist.

In my opinion, a lot of the Toby stuff in probably just plot based choices to move things forward, but some of it is also just basic mixed up teen stuff and mixed emotions about his own "feelings" towards Anita. I think TV does a bad job writing teens. Either that or TV is accurate and being a Teen is even worse than

I loved how it was started by her asking if Sophie was safe. There's been something running along that relationship since the start and there was something just as startling about Anita asking that question as there was about Mia surfacing a bit after.

I've been downloading the Channel 4 version of the show all along, which is about an episode or 2 ahead of the AMC version. So I'm curious to know, if anyone's seen them both that is, what are the differences between them? Is it more censorship based, or are the episodes compressed for time or something? There doesn't

If you have any actual evidence or proof that Russel was cross-trained, I'd love to see it. If all you have is your speculation over what you assume to be a superior ability to point his toes after what probably amounted to months of being told by everyone that he should point his toes, then I think I'm going to stick

My assumption at this point is that he was created by the doctors and he's so far they're only, or at least primary, success. It's the explanation for the holes in his story (Stiles brought up how odd he thought it was that an Alpha would bite Theo and then just up and leave) as well as for Stiles' general distrust of

I certainly won't go that far. I think Travis' origin as a contestant on this show makes him the best success story SYTYCD has churned out thus far. He really is a genius in a lot of ways. And while I think the quality of movement employed in his routines is similar, I wouldn't call them all the same by any means.