
Pretty much the best review this season. Not in the least due to the sheer focus on the episode itself instead of hollow attempts to compare it to other shows. And I don't even personally agree with most of it, but I like it nonetheless.

My bet is that he doesn't make it to the top 10, so I don't know how much of an arc he'll have when he dances like shit week after week until the judges have no choice but to send him home. If he's in the bottom again next week, which after that fucking cha-cha he damn well should be, do we honestly think they'll be

"and his skin shines and probably tastes like a Werther's Original." is the single funniest thing I've ever heard.

I don't think it applied to Hok or Legacy either, but they lasted awhile and were damn good too. Russell was a Krumper and he won his season; though I still think Jakob should have won. While I don't think Legacy or Hok were good enough to win, they certainly proved what good a traditional b-boy could do on this show.

I have to disagree about the effect of the Street v Stage thing at this point in the competition. While I at least don't find the show to be unwatchable like I did during the auditions, I do find this to be the worst collection of dance they've ever showcased on the show and that's eliminating an important aspect of

I can see what you're saying, and I don't disagree outright. But I do also think that "genius evil scientists" is a bit subjective of a ruling. They've clearly figured out a number of things that other people haven't been able to yet. Third eye guy hinted that they've even figured out ways to extend their own life

If Scott simply curtails to all of Stiles' thoughts, opinions, and hunches, then what's the point of them being two different characters? I think there's something to be said about giving your friend the benefit of the doubt, but I would also say that at no time does Scott tell Stiles he's 100% wrong and needs to

I didn't mention the Theo thing, but that was another part of the review I found to be lacking. In what way should it be obvious to the characters that Theo's a bad guy? Why exactly should he be tingling Scott's spidey sense? I think the show's attempting to create dramatic irony here, and I don't think there's

It is my totally subjective and useless opinion that the best reviews engage with an episode on the basis of what the writers, actors, and directors are attempting and whether or not that attempt is successful. The level of success achieved is something that's probably more subjective than objective, and it's in that

I think you're getting at another aspect of this issue that bothers me: the attempt to apply some kind of objective blanket rule for all relationships. The continued mention of Parrish being on the second leg of his career is accurate, but it ignores the fact that those two jobs were the military and a police officer.

I understand that you aren't arguing this point, and generally tou agree with me, but I have to say the problem I have with the outlook that this age difference leads to the potential for someone being taken advantage of is that it wouldn't be argued if the two characters were in their 40s and 30s respectively.

I would also point out that with this show airing on the same network that airs Faking It, the idea that this show is straining credibility with it's acceptance level is laughable. Faking It takes place in Dallas, which last time I checked was in TX, and yet there's gay, bi, trans, and intersexed characters of

If you honestly think Teen Wolf is the most pro-gay show of the year, I have to ask if you've seen Sense8, or Orange is the New Black, just for starters. The gay characters on The Originals are better developed and treated than the ones on this show. If Teen Wolf is the bar, I fear that you really need to watch more

I like her too, but I don't think she's really right for reviewing this show. I don't think she views it through the best lens really. Most of what she says in this review doesn't really amount to much, and the things she does seem to take issue with feel like standard Teen Wolf fare at this point. If it's that she

But is it that Asaf will be going home next week, or that he'll go home the week after he's danced out of his comfort zone? What worries me is that he's handsome and charismatic and that could be enough to get him votes over one of the other male Street Dancers who's better, but maybe not as much of a standout to the

It's weird watching the show after skipping pretty much all of the auditions. I know no one except Jaja who I loved last year, and while that should give me a lot less bias, it doesn't stop me from being horribly pessimistic about the season. And this episode didn't do much to change that outlook for me.

Personally, I've found all of this season's episodes to be consistent in quality. So the vastly different grades each has received says more about the reviewer than the actual quality of the reviews themselves, but I've long thought that about Teen Wolf reviews on this site.

I didn't assume your points about Kala and Will were about her passivity compared to the rest. Indeed, I think your points about that scene are actually fascinating and on point. It's something I'd like the show to explore more if they get future seasons.

I think you're missing my point, or I'm not making my point clearly enough. I'm not saying playing chicken with the helicopter was the wrong choice, I'm saying Will's inability to do what "needs to be done," IE be willing to kill himself and Riley in the hopes of taking out Whispers too, is subverted by calling in

In the show's defense though, the straight white romance is the only one that's just getting started. The queer romances are already established and have less room for drama unless you plan on breaking them up (ala Lito and Hernando). There's only so much of two people being in love and constantly agreeing with and