
I think "people close to him get hurt" because they're criminals. They walk within and around a bad element, and there's a danger attached to that. i don't think he's nearly the lightning rod for pain and death that, say, Harry Potter is. But no one considers Harry to be a monster. I think it's possible he's just

Does it not take a willingness to drive head first into your opponent in order to win a game of chicken?

This was my main question about the finale when I watched it: Is the marking of Wolfie as a monster actually earned? They spent some time with his abusive father, sure, and you see the criminal element to his past and his present, but for the entire season he's mostly seen as just a quiet, internal, competent thief.

"Scott is an optimist who trusts everyone, while Stiles is a pragmatist
(though he can go about that in the most intense ways) who is wary of
most. And you know what? Stiles is right more often than not (and

I honestly don't know that that's what she's waiting for. Or more accurately I don't know that that's *all* she's waiting for. It's just as likely that she's waiting for something to happen to make her love him the way he loves her and the way she *should* (by everyone else's account) love him.

I've made mention of the All Star thing before in these reviews, but my hope ran thin when I heard, or thought I heard, that they wouldn't be requiring contestants to dance other styles for the competition. As it stands, not having them dance other styles for Vegas week at least confirms for me that they've all but

I think you make interesting points and I would like to point out that as a long time fan of the show, I like to see the best in it as well. But I do think it's important to stay grounded and be able to criticize the things you love.

I'd be curious to know when you saw the show as something that "plays with socioeconomic, gender and racial barriers" in the past.

I stopped watching this season when Jaja auditioned because Nigel said something that I took to mean each dancer would only ever have to dance in their own style this year. Was that the wrong way to view his statements? Maybe I'll come back in time for the first real episode of the competition, but I'm not optimistic

Violence in service of self-preservation at the very least. So while semantically it might not be the same thing as self-defense, I think that for the sake of applying some kind of moral judgement onto it, I at least find it to be equivalent to self-defense.

Given the way the last episode goes, I'm not sure how much I think Wolfie goes in expecting to die. But I'll agree that there's some level of martyrdom to what Capheus is doing. But I also think when it comes to violence, he's more than ready or OK with it.

I don't know if you honestly want an answer to your questions about Kala's skills or if they're just rhetorical… I will say that Riley's the one I feel has the least useful skillset of the bunch, really what does she do at all?

I'm going to piggyback on what Harpier said and just add that I'm not fully sure all of the characters understand what Whispers is capable of yet either. So there's always the chance that the showrunners are waiting to give us this information until after the characters themselves get it. We also having gotten any

I think you're misinterpreting the Kala-Rajan-Wolfie issue a bit. She isn't stalling on the marriage because she's holding out for Wolfie, she's stalling because she doesn't love Rajan and never has. Wolfie's place in her life might complicate that, but it doesn't change it. Even if Wolfie wasn't an option, she'd

"There’s an obvious theoretical compromise here: that the sensates fight in situations of self-defense and avoid it in other circumstances. These complaints wouldn’t exist if all it was was Nomi fleeing from the cops or Wolfgang knowing Steiner would betray him. And yet the Wachowskis have gone out of their to show

The prospect of someone not really feeling the effect of the birth scene is crazy to me. I bawled like a baby during it all, I thought it was amazing!

I love Orphan Black, but I find your comparison to be a false equivalence. The clones are all their own individual people with no real knowledge of the fact that they are clones and therefore connected to the others around the country if not the world.

I agree with Kala perhaps being considered too old to be single, but I'd wonder what effect, if any, would her going to Uni and getting a good degree have had on those perceptions? I'm not a part of that culture, so I can't be sure, but it at least seems like her family placed more importance on her education, while

I completely understand what you're saying, but my statement that it shouldn't be a secret anymore wasn't from a Cultural standpoint, it was from a personal one. By which I mean when you're in a position to weigh the keeping of the secret against the safety and well-being of your loved ones, then it shouldn't be a

That'd make sense. I watched it all through the first weekend it came out, so I'm fuzzy on those details. But yeah, if I forgot that point, then my bad.