
Thank you for the time differences thing, I really appreciate it. And I had forgotten about Sun's statement about being woken up, that makes a lot of sense.

The thing is, I don't need them to build relationships, I wanted them to have at least one scene with each other to at least know one another's names really.

My biggest complaint about the show through the first 8 episodes is how little time some of them spend with each other. On a level it makes sense, they're all over the world and would have different sleep schedules. I think, if I remember correctly, that this is the first scene that feels like it strains credibility

I agree with your last point, and without getting into spoilers, I'll say that I disagreed with the show's handling of that particular story. I loved this show like I haven't loved a new show in quiet sometime, but I felt like they dropped the ball on this storyline and a bit on Lito's to this point as well. (Not the

I don't think it boils down simply to good vs bad people at all, Dani is their friend. She made a mistake, yes, but what kind of friend would allow their friend to go through the pain of an abusive relationship for the sake of maintaining a secret that shouldn't be a secret anymore? If Dani was just a random

If I may ask, then what kept you watching for 8 hours before you got to this point? I was all in during the 4 non blondes song, but if it had taken a full 8 episodes, I don't think I would have kept watching. Actually, I was interested after the 4 non blondes song, but I was all in after the Sun / Capheus conversation

**Slight Spoiler Alert here**

I think you can certainly argue that the writers haven't done a good enough job of integrating her, or more specifically that they haven't done a good enough job of ramming home what I see as Alex's place within the ecosystem which is as follows: Alex wants very much to not be a part of this system, or this community

I think there's a flaw in logic to this review.

I think acknowledging the number of episodes being reviewed up towards the top would go a long way. If they said, "Here's what we thought of the first three episodes." then that'd be one thing, but instead the "season reviews" tend to be represented as "This is what we figured out about the entire season!" and there's

I thought only the first 3 episodes of any given season are being reviewed for these "season" reviews? If so, we're no where near 50% of the season. Or is TD only 6 episodes long? I honestly didn't watch it so idk, but in the case of Sense8, this was certainly a massive problem for those early reviews.

Final season? That's a typo, right? Surely there's going to be another season after this one?

To put it simply: I could not agree with you more even if I tried. This was 100% my thoughts while watching the season.

The sad part about critics only getting 3 episodes is how much the producers kept saying that the season was divided into 3 acts of 4 episodes each. So the 4th, 8th, and 12th episodes were all going to be turning points. The first 4 is what they should have sent out.

I agree with your points about the rhetoric employed in talking about street dancers on this show, but I would say that it's also possible to tackle the issue from a slightly different angle. Namely, the construction of a narrative.

I see what you're saying. i don't think it's an apt comparison, but I certainly see where you're coming from. I don't recall Bell being called out at any given point for a lack of masculinity. But that could just be the gaps in my memory about that season. While it's true that he wasn't the most masculine guy around,

Oh Ok, so what you're saying is you'd like to see ballroom routines of a level of complexity on par with the show's early seasons, or at least on par with some of the better routines in the other genres? In that case, I agree completely. It does seem at times like they either phone it in a little on the ballroom

I agree, though I'd add Travis to this as well. The fact is Travis and tWitch are the biggest successes to come out of SYTYCD in the show's history so far. So any excuse to pimp them out and put them in the forefront would have been pounced on.

I agree 100% that the show is on the cusp if being cancelled, it has been for awhile now. It's the reason they got rid of the results show in favor of only one episode a week. If they show the show as costing Fox less money, then maybe they'll let it stay. But that wasn't enough in the long run, so now they have to

First off, JTF as a perma judge would be the best decision ever in the history of the world. If only.