
I can't see any realistic way that this doesn't become Team White (with one token black guy and one token black girl) vs Team Black (with a token white guy and a token white girl). And then all four of those tokens are voted out in the first two weeks and we get the show the producers always intended in the first

If I remember correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that 10 contestants season was also the first season with the all stars. My point being that sometimes they have good ideas that just sputter getting out of the gate. They came back the next year and said, Ok the All Stars were a good idea, but we used them

I don't understand what you mean when you say "I'm also hoping for the return of fierce ballroom… it seems like the show has surrendered that turf to ABC's dancing spectacle."

The thing is I don't think the auditions are nearly as ridiculous as they once were or as they tend to be on other shows. I think they serve a specific purpose, and the editing is always supporting that purpose. They try to shroud they ultimate outcome (the top 20) in a bit a mystery, while still focusing on dancers

Here's why I disagree with you, personally: SYTYCD is not The Voice, or Idol, or those other shows you mention. So a judge getting up with the regularity that Derulo does, does actually take the focus away from where it should be.

My hope (and it's shallow at best) is that this episode can be a bit of an out-liar from the others. They had to cram it with so much pimping of the new format because they have to hit the ground running. So if they tell you 100x up front that the new format is great, then maybe by the time we get into it, we'll have

I'm curious to know how you feel the Belly Bell, Jakob comparison relates here. Belly was way more talented than Courtney Barnes seems to be through two auditions. His lack of votes, to me, seemed to be more about what could have been a lack of personality (though that's not something I felt when I watched him) and a

Either Donnie stuffs his briefs or Kristin Bruun is hung like a horse. There were moments there when his package was so big that his briefs were jiggling and pulling away from his crotch in a way that suggested he might spill out of there at any moment. Very very sexy and very very funny moment. I love them, and while

What's the point of Dorian Gray on this show? It was mentioned in the previous review that he hasn't been integrated into the overall story yet (which in two seasons seems to be a massive oversight on the part of the writers), but the weird thing about it to me is that I can't even envision a potential use for him

Here's the thing, I agree that this was a bad episode, even worthy of the F it got, but not necessarily for the same reasons as Alston. I think the editing and the need to cram so many story elements into one episode is the real problem here. They could have done without the useless previous episode and spread some of

I don't know about anyone else, but if we get a naked Ari Millen in each episode, I will be a very very happy viewer!

While I don't disagree with these points, I do think that some of these same arguments are leveled against Whedon's work, and there it's BS. I think it tends to (but not always) boil down to people not liking to see characters die in shows they like and so they get upset when it happens.

I agree that there are moments when she consents. I'm simply saying that it's not a balanced relationship. For every one of the examples you offer, I think we can find 3 or 4 where it starts with a no. Wanting to feel desired is one thing, and it's perfect valid, making 90% of their interactions flow along these "Fitz

I also don't think it's all of their interactions, simply enough of them to constitute an overwhelming majority. It's why I draw attention specifically to the Vermont House scene as one of the interactions I actually do appreciate for its break in the cycle. The bunker scene and also there's a scene in the White House

The rape vs not rape thing is exhausted. I know we both see the initial contact as problematic, so that doesn't bother me. If it's that she wants to be dominated, then I'm fine with that. But I think it's murky enough and it's a desire that's not made explicit (perhaps in service of the show trying to be subtle and

I don't think that the relationship is something being done to Olivia, I'm talking about specific sexual encounters. The only interesting dichotomy that I'll grant them on this situation is that the relationship as a whole is one where Olivia exerts a nice amount of power, while the individual sexual encounters tend

First about Jake, I think the devil's in the details with that door scene. I didn't read it as a threat, I read it as a statement. It's the difference between "If you don't let me in, then I will kick this door down!" and "I could kick this door down and just come in if I wanted to." The former is a threat, it carries

I think that that makes sense. Though I would also point out that the network committed to the first season season of Black Sails without this kind of hedging. So that makes me wonder if it's subject matter too. I doubt this show is more expensive than Black Sails, but maybe it's just expensive enough to give them

If they'd only filmed 8 episodes and weren't sure if they'd get a fully season's order, then that at least makes sense. But yeah this is a longer break than even The Walking Dead took, and that just seems odd.

I understand this reading, and I think it's the reading that a lot of shippers of this relationship have. I think it's the intention of Shonda and co when they write those scenes, and with all of that being said, I simply disagree with it. I think it's a valid and understandable reading of the situation, but I don't