
I've only watched the first 5 episodes of this show, but you're telling me they aired 8 episodes and then went on a 7 month hiatus so that Starz could air Black Sails' full season, and then they just came back in the middle of the season? Does anyone know why they decided to do that? It seems to make no sense.

I have never been more attracted to Ken Cosgrove as I was when he was sitting on the couch with his shirt open.

I don't think Cyrus hates Millie by any means. I think it's more that Cyrus loves Fitz's political career. I don't even think Cyrus loves Fitz at this point, but he loves the way that Fitz is capable of embodying this ideal and holding this position that he, Cyrus, wouldn't be able to hold. He said once in the past

I do make the same argument that Olivia and Mellie should ditch Fitz. Did I ever say or imply differently? He's a horrible bastard with no concept of issues of consent which make him a rapist in my book and the fact that this show (probably) won't end with him dead or at least alone is its greatest weakness.

I see what you're saying, but I still think that your argument is the one meant to paint the world as black and white. I think that avoiding "comeuppance for a crime he committed no matter how justified said crime was" is the very nature of a grey area. I think, to take it a step further, that using the justification

I don't have a solid answer to that, but I would say after his little internal blow up at Fitz however many episodes ago, that I'd wish he would be able to. They've made him appear to be just over it in so many ways, so if he's over it, then why not just let him be over it?

First off, why does Cyrus care about Millie running for president? He got his guy elected to the 2 terms he's entitled to, and I've gotten the impression for most of this season that he was pretty sick of the Grant BS. Is Cyrus planning his own run, or to back another candidate so he could stay in the white house for

Right. The "How" behind what Rick did, and said, was wrong. And I think that that's a perfectly reasonable point to make. But if the thought is that "what" he's doing or saying is wrong, then I don't think that's accurate, right? Michonne said it best when she pointed out that something's going to happen, but they

"That town meeting felt weirdly like the characters were trying to sell
us on Rick. Don’t you get it, Dumbo? You don’t need the ex-sheriff with
trust issues; the magic was in you all along!"

lol very funny guys, getting your April Fools jokes in early. But what's the real title of the show?

I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep watching this show. I don't care about any storyline other than Ian's, and after this episode, I can't say that I buy how the writers are treating that. Relationships evolve, and he and Mickey's has, by necessity, done so. I'm not upset at Ian trying his best to get

I think that's possible, but as of right now I can't see situation where Rick allows himself to be separated from Carl and Judith. I think Carl would be more likely to want to stay, esp given his story from this episode, but I can't see a situation where Rick would allow that to happen. It might be "safer" in

I can't see anyone other than Carol really going with him either. Not logically at least, that's to say nothing of the narrative contorting the show is capable of to make a decision seem to make sense. But I'm guessing Carl and Judith end up with him as they won't be taken from him, and I think maybe you could say a

Anyone else thinking Rick gets exiled, some people go with him, namely Carol, maybe Glenn and a few others, but who knows, and then he regroups and just comes back and takes the city by force? Kills the leader and instills himself in that role? It's foreshadowed in what he tells what's her name about why Pete needs to

"But at the apartment though? Was there a convention in D.C. occupying all the hotel rooms?"

I agree with you. I think the general motion of the relationship is similar, but not the same. I think a number of relationships move in the manner that Patrick's relationships have moved thus far. The outcome just needs to be different, and I still expect it will be. While I can agree with the review that next week's

I have hated Agustin since day one, and now I feel like I can't anymore. I think his character rehab is officially complete? I don't know, but I was ready to hate him all during that lunch meeting with Frank, and then the scene between them right after and he points out Eddie's been trying to have it both ways and my

I think it's becoming more and more clear that the Alexandrians have lasted this long through a lot of luck, high walls. More over, I'm guessing a lot of them just haven't made it. I get the impression that them going on runs often results in things going wrong and people dying. Even Aaron's boyfriend nearly died when

"like the awkward old elephant in the room"

I like the imperfection of all the characters. My core point continues to be that these characters are all imperfect and human. It's when someone (and I feel that these reviews are most often guilty of this) tries to make it seem like any of the characters are perfect. Richie's imperfections are the ones that I feel