
You're right. Because by way of pointing out that Richie is an asshole, what I'm actually doing is saying that Kevin is perfect. Those two things are clearly mutually exclusive as the characters in this show are a binary system and not on a spectrum of any sort.

"“The last time someone stood on my stoop, they told me I wasn’t ready,
so this time I just, I decided to go for it.” Sure, but love after two

"but I’m not sure I see the strategic value. Max tries to claim it gives
him a chance to be alone and think, but I believe he actually thinks it
gives him a chance at more airtime."

I find it fascinatingly misguided that someone would think that a wedding episode about two characters who don't matter and who we didn't even know before a few episodes ago would somehow have to be a big two-part revelation bomb. In what world would Gina and Boyle's parents getting married be a big deal? It's not

While I'm not going to disagree with anything you've said (mostly because I don't disagree with anything you've said), I will say that I don't think that would actually address the core problems with SHIELD: namely how weakly drawn the characters are. I think a constant rotation of new characters being written by

If we're being honest, that's actually the show I thought we'd be getting at first when the show was announced. It would have been a far better story than the one they're telling (not that I'm not enjoying this show as well), and they could have gotten at the workplace sexism issue by placing a couple other women in

Does anyone know how many women are working on this show as writers and directors? I want to say I find it ironic that a show about how women are overlooked and marginalized in male dominated spheres is written, directed, and overall helmed by men, but I also don't know how accurate that is. I know one of (?) the

Allow me to say first that I'm 100% sure that I've already said multiple times that they were both in the wrong and they both messed up. So you reiterating that to me isn't necessary.

You're right, I forgot about the conversation with Agustin. At the very least I will say that Patrick and Richie are at least in a fairly nebulous point by the time that Patrick goes in to the office. He sees them (with Agustin's help, which no one at that point should be listening to Agustin) as ended or ending or

Again, that's not what I'm saying. I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, first off. Secondly I also believe it's important to engage with a person on their level whenever possible. I'm not saying that what Richie did and said wasn't acceptable for Richie, but if he knows who Patrick is and if he

But how much time passes between that conversation and the conversation between Richie and Patrick? Is there a reference to time in that conversation? It's hard to pin down in a show like this which doesn't automatically have an episode take place over a 24 hour time period. Or I've just been wrong about that this

I agree 100%

We see that differently. I don't think Patrick had a boyfriend when he slept with Kevin the first time. So he slept with someone and caused the man who had just left him (in my opinion) pain, and no I don't place blame on him for that, because at that moment I say Richie can go screw himself. That's not to say that

Ok, Kevin's not being cute is fighting words! but I've been in love with Tovey for years now. So there's that.

That I'll agree with. i think they both fucked up in their own ways, I think they're all fucked up in their own ways to be honest. I just think that Kevin and Patrick's flaws mesh a bit better than Patrick and Richie's. I also think that Patrick would make Kevin happier in the long run than he'd make Richie, if that

I got the impression that when Patrick showed up at Richie's job (which is admittedly a kind of messed up thing to do) it had already been a couple of days. If I'm wrong on that, then my bad, but I don't think that Patrick has to be anymore patient than he was already. If he did in need give Richie a couple days to

I think that's valid. Though I would put Richie's actions in the unreasonable category, to each his own. And I agree that Patrick was interested in Kevin already. I would also point out that that interest came around before he really was dating Richie and he took a step back when he found out Kevin was seeing someone.

1) it is to me. but 2) it's more complicated than that. If I go to my boyfriend after not talking to him for a couple days and try to have the conversation we need to have in order to go forward, and his reaction is "Nope, not having it, what do you want? leave me alone" the way Richie's was, then yes that equals

This episode gets me on board with a Richie/ Patrick friendship. I think they seem like the types who'd be better at friends than dating, and I'm all for that. But if they go into those romantic waters again, I'll be pissed.

Not in the slightest. I think Patrick is handling this in exactly the manner that he should. He gave Kevin that option to do what needed to be done, Kevin chose not to, and now Patrick's not having it. And I say good for him. But I don't think it's a binary option between just Kevin and Richie. They live in San Fran,