
If there is someone who is perfect for Patrick, and I'm not sure that there is, then I would say we haven't met him yet. I don't think Kevin is perfect for Patrick, I don't really know that I think that's even a thing, but all I'm saying is if I compare the two love interests we've seen Patrick have thus far, I prefer

I often feel like I'm watching a different show than other people when I watch Looking. Where did this myth of Richie's perfection come from? I view their relationship very differently. I think the first time, after that initial hookup when Patrick was being a bit racist, Richie was 100% in the right for leaving and

I agree with @tgammet:disqus on this one. I don't see the scenes with Tianna as exploitative at all. I think it's problematic that we don't get her side of the story in this episode, but since there's still time for that to develop, I don't see the problem. I think the show as a whole has been fairly even keeled with

IDK, I hear Drip Drop and think he's talking about having acquired an STD. and I don't know how well rap songs about VD go over.

I agree with the 5 minutes thing, not the worse than death thing. This is specifically because when they talk about something that's worse than death the second time and they give her the demonstration of what that means, it means killing her friend. I think we all heard it the first time and assumed it meant sexual

I think more credit should be paid to the fact that this episode featured a woman being terrorized by men without having to resort to the threat of rape. I'm so sick of seeing women being victimized in general on TV, but most importantly I'm so over the abundance of sexual violence on TV. Or maybe I just watched too

"The ending is the part that’s embarrassing. I mean, we all know
professional actors are blessed with the world’s most histrionic
orgasms. We’ve seen the Nymphomaniac poster. But Patrick looks
like he’s passing a stone, Kevin has to shake it off, and both of them
pant, “Fuck,” in turn. Granted that sex can be

Wow I could not disagree with this review more. OK, that's an overstatement, indeed I made a lot of these points in my own writeup, but the points about Jamal and such aren't really in keeping with my reading of the text. First off, Frank Ocean is out, sure, but he's never charted higher than 32 on Billboard:

It was pretty brilliant. I think the names are also a bit silly, but that aside, I'm mostly here for the relationship between the brothers. The Hakeem and Jamal stuff was specifically moving since you'd think they'd be the two at odds. But the stereotype of the homophobic rapper younger brother hating his gay big

I agree with all of the girl power themes being wrapped up well, it's what I loved about Korra in the first place, but I felt like this was a perfect season finale and a lackluster series finale. Not because the episode was bad or anything, simply because it really proved that this show needed another season. We've

That sounds absolutely horrible. I dodged a bullet on that one.

I'm happy to know I'm not the only one annoyed by the Will storyline. I understand that Nashville is in the "south" and so it's clearly not as accepting as New York or something, but I still feel like the writers handle this story like it's the mid 90's instead of 2014. For a better handled "I have to stay in the

I didn't watch past the 1st episode because it was clear that it was just going to be the same show but without any of the heart of the original. So did I understand this right? They had Miller's son do it instead of her husband? That's the big change?

I'm not going to lie, I seriously wanted to see Toph kick a little more ass. I was hyperventilating at the possibility of it. But I'm also super happy that she didn't. This show isn't and needn't be about the old gang. I think her statement about it being about the children was a bit on the nose, but I appreciated it

Apparently David wasn't paying attention to it either seeing as how he seems good and shocked over the desolution of their relationship in favor of Abby spending time with Leo in this episode. Or maybe I'm just right and this is the first time it;s confirmed within the show that they're actually over regardless of

And now Ashur's here. I'm really excited for Arrow to become Spartacus 2.0.

Did I miss something, some shared scene between the two perhaps, that would have made the Abby/Leo thing make more sense? He walks into her office early on and starts talking about all this sexual tension between them and I was left wondering "But when have we ever even seen the two of you in a room together before

I don't think it's more likely that Zhu Li is turning on Varrick at all. I think both options are equally likely, but I watched that scene falling more in line with the idea that she was just saying what she needed to to get Kuvira on her side. I think this episode was a great showcase for Zhu Li and it makes more

To be fair, none of the people outside of Keating are full on characters yet, so this isn't specific to Asher by any means.

Can someone explain to me Wes' all consuming devotion to his neighbor? I feel like I missed something somewhere, but the way he's been going to bat for her this entire series thus far just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.