
I fully disagree with the points being made about Laurel, but that's less because I don't find her anger effective and more because for the length of the series thus far it feels like she's been nothing other than angry lady. She's angry when Oliver comes back, she's angry (and an alcoholic) when she thinks he's

I'm guessing we'll get two episodes about the Beth situation. One from the point when she was taken up until the point when Daryl and Carol find her, and then one about the ultimate big rescue. Although I'm not sure if all three of them make it back alive.

While Katara was trying to talk her through healing with all of her (great) take your time and whenever you're ready stuff, I couldn't help but to think that what Korra needed was Toph and her more hardened no nonsense approach to things. Not to say that I don't think Katara had great advice too, but just like Aang

"Bolin and Mako: cuter then or now?"

Let's be honest, the only reason Jack is a cop is so we can see him in that sexy uniform.

Right on point with the review. It wasn't a horrible episode, but it wasn't highly promising either.

"But it’s the fact that he wants it that makes him sympathetic, even though he’s giving up."

"Sookie did kill him, and even managed to gain a smidgen of character
development as she did it by refusing to use her light ball and lose her
fairy nature."

This episode made me tearbend.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson is the guest judge for next week. Cat mentioned it at the end of the show. While I don't think he'll give as helpful or constructive criticism as Misty would, he is my favorite guest judge and I was sad not to see him all season. But he's back next week and all is right with the world.

In case anyone's interested and didn't know about it before, We're recapping every episode over on Project Runaways. You should join us.

I don't believe that to be the implication, but I also have a better understanding of my intention and understand that this in an imprecise medium for communication. With that being said, all of my statements in this particular comment have to do solely with their fight during Sozen's Comet. And are not meant to be a

You don't remember the S2 fight not taking place in the midst of Sozen's Comet?

Sure, but with Mai and Ty Lee esp you're talking about two people who trained for years (on top of some natural talent) to get to be that good. And a lot of that has to do with the desire to compensate for the lack of bending. I think we get some of that in Bumi's fight today where he's not as adapt with his bending

This is fundamentally what bugs me about Zaheer. He was in prison all this time, gets airbending randomly, and is already basically a master like over night? I still have a hard time buying that. Even if he's spent a lot of time reading up on airbender forms, styles, and histories, I don't feel like you get that good

Yeah but I also think the deck was fundamentally stacked against Katara during Sozen's comet. She wasn't going to win that fight without being able to out smart Azula. Azula was crazy skilled and powerful without the boost from the comet, Katara wouldn't have stood a chance if Azula wasn't already going crazy and off

I buy that. I think that's the best explanation available.

In a lot of ways, that's what throws me. I can't believe that growing up being trained by Katara and Aang in waterbending (assume Aang had time to spare teaching her too) that she wouldn't have seen something like what Ming-Hua did, and therefore would have been a bit more prepared for it. IDK, I think she certainly

Best. Episode. Ever! I couldn't help but to be amazed as I watched the fight between Tenzin and Zaheer because I don't and didn't believe there was any hope of Zaheer being able to take Tenzin on his own. Tenzin's just too great of an Airbender and he's been doing it for too long. So to see him manhandle Zaheer in a

This is interesting, because I agree with everything being said here, but I at least found the Tara back story bit to be affecting. I don't like that it exists only for the forgiveness angle, but I did at least feel something when I was watching the flashback, so there's that I guess? I don't know, I certainly wish