
My thoughts on the episode.

"we get an entire episode of two teens deciding they don’t want to have kinky sex (thank God for fae mind reading!"

I'll grant that the Hush reference from a couple weeks ago wasn't a comparison so much as just an invocation of that episode's title, but even that felt like it served only to point out how great this show isn't capable of being. What's the MST3K guideline? Don't mention a good movie in the middle of your bad movie,

I would love for there to be a lot fewer (ie none) Buffy references in these reviews. Every time they crop up, they only serve as a reminder of how good this show is incapable of being. Which isn't to say that the show isn't good, because it is, but it's nowhere near Buffy good. Which is fine because I also don't

Worst ending ever. This mexican mafia crime family have to be the single most toothless, nonthreatening villains ever. If I never have to see them and their pointless, harmless yelling again, it'll be too soon.

You literally took all of those words right out of my mouth. I honestly don't want to complain too much, because I guess some sexual representation is better than none, but I had a conversation with a friend of mine in which we hit on all of those points.

I must say, I find it cute that you're still looking for logic in this show.

I'm guessing it'll have something to do with Fairy blood as well, but idk if they'd go the full Martyr route with her. Everything just feels like its gearing up for happy endings all around. La gets James, Jessica gets Jason, Sookie gets someone (probably Bill, sadly), and everyone lives happily ever after. So my

I wasn't surprised because since they introduced the probablity of the two of them getting together, it was the sort of thing I could see going either way. My expectation at this point is, if they have sex again at any point this season, who's on top will be a toss up. I'll be more surprised if La is *always* the top.

I can't see that happening. Not without A LOT of work being done to make it make any kind of sense whatsoever. I don't even think the two of them have been alone together at any point this season. If the show tries to do that, it will seriously be grasping at straws. Granted, that kind of nonsensical move is just the

So are we all agreed that this season ends with them finding a cure for the Hep V? I figured it'd have to happen when Eric was infected, but now that it's Bill too, I can't imagine the show killing off both of them and leaving Sookie alone for the finale.

Or perhaps he just feels that way to you because, as you yourself point out, you're not actually looking at him. If he's one dimensional, (and I don't think it's fair to say he is on any level) then he's one dimensional in the way that he's little more than a love interest for Jinora. But he's not just a boy planted

A few things:

Did anyone else think Zuko might die during the first prison break scene? Since the show introduced Katara back in the first season, I've been wondering whether or not we'd have to see the last of the previous generation die out and kind of pass the torch in a lot of ways to the new group. Along those lines, and

Don't get me wrong, I think there's still a lot of good that comes up on the show from Contemporary routines. Even the Story piece from this week was something I enjoyed deeply. And the Ricky and Jessica piece was the number of the night, hands down. But I overall I don't think that Contemporary is being pushed as a

"eventually cause adds to what Scott’s ultimate decision is, but there’s
still a question of whether or not Scott would instantly go with that
decision or if it’s out of character."

The thing about the Jenna and Mark dance was that it was "Jazz" and not "Contemporary," but I agree completely. The show has the ability to go there from time to time, but I think the main problem being pointed out here is that it seems incapable of doing it within the Contemporary genre for some reason. At least not

It's not as bad as you guys think, oddly enough. It's fine with beer, but a recipe for alcohol poisoning with liquor. I've been averaging about 2 beers over the course of the episodes. it's still 2 bottles of beer over the course of the hour, but still lol.

Hey guys, my friend and I developed a drinking game to help us get through the last season of of true blood. I am seriously drunk right now because of it, and let me tell you, It's the only way to watch this horrible show. Join us, here is a link to the rules:

Forgive me, and this is to say nothing against your mother, nor anyone else who holds this view, but "they should have the right to do what they want; I just don't want to see it" does not equal a level of open-mindedness about homosexuality. Resignation to the existence of gay people, maybe, but certainly not any