
I have no idea what the Changelings wanted....They stole the portal device and deployed it during a ceremony to hide the fact that they also stole Picard’s body because they needed the not-irumadic-syndrome part of his brain as backup in case they couldn’t get to Jack who is born tied into the collective?

Do these S&P department still exists? I’ve always found them very hilarious, because of how arbitrary their decisions could be. I sat on a con talk by one of the creators of Reboot once* and he talked a lot about how “BS&P” was very arbitrary and how they got away with some things just because they appealed to their

I want there to be a lot of weird arbitrary censorship to reflect the Standards & Practices departments of the time. 

I home the whole Borg nanites angle is a fake out, and it turns out all of Jack’s weird powers are actually the result of Beverley banging that freaky Victorian sex ghost.

Just here to point out that Kirk Acevedo as a Vulcan Gangster was a delight. 

Sounds like they finally let him win a fight, instead of letting bad guys (even a possessed Counselor Troi) kick his ass to just prove how “bad-ass” they were. Good for them. I’m looking forward to watching this.

“I am Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok, son of Sergei, House of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras Family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?”

I want a “I am Worf, son of Mogh. House of Martok. Son of Sergei. House of Rozhenko. Bane to the Duras family. Slayer of Gowron. I have made some camomile tea. Do you take sugar?” shirt first. That has immediately burned itself into my brain for all time.

I need “Beheadings are on Wednesdays” on a t-shirt.

Oh my gob, it’s not rocket surgery.

I was legitimately looking forward to this, mainly because it wouldn’t have fit in with the bigger blockbusters; I read the “Batgirl of Burnside” run and there was something really appealing about a hero with a homemade costume dealing with more ground-level threats. This movie looked like it was gonna tap into that

Oh, that’s an easy one:

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth repeating here: “Captive Pursuit” is one of my most favorite (it’s not the best, but I love it) first season episodes that drives a lot of the characterizations later on...

You’ve made this “least interesting average of other images” assertion multiple times, but that’s not a fact that you’ve sourced - it’s just a summary of your personal misperception of how the tech works. Where did you even get this idea?

“I don’t want to be alone.  I want Marva.” just blindsided me like a truck.

That little trash can broke my heart when he wouldn’t leave the house.

It would make sense in a huge engineering project to prioritize the items of highest risk first, and I think a Kyber-crystal driven superlaser would fall into that category. After they proved out that it works correctly, then they’ll spend the next five years doing things like building the barracks and kitchens and

While we did get Another Bad Admiral, I think this might be the first time we’ve gotten hints as to WHY that keeps happening?

Buenamigo’s motivation to doing rash bad stuff stemmed from the fact that once you hit Admiral in Starfleet, there’s kinda nowhere else to go in the hierarchy. You’ve got a desk job and the

No one needs more Guy Gardner, but Alan Scott deserves another chance to shine.

Or for those who hadn’t seen the episode yet, here is a great fucking spoiler across the headline and poster image.  You amateur.