
My read is that the drone ship didn’t show up ‘out of nowhere’. The admiral always wanted this to be about the drone ships and used Operation Swingby as an excuse to get a reporter in place *and* get a Starfleet vessel in need of saving. 

I thought she fell down a turbolift shaft near the end of Season Two. 

I read this stuff at work during breaks. If you are going to go video only I am out. Bye bye.

We didn’t like seeing this review was a video.

It’ll probably be changed to Iron Man: Armor Wars before everything is said and done.

Reminder - If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t. 

I usually use “themself” myself, but I don’t think there’s an agreed upon standard.

I think they blew a cool opportunity here- in the TOS episode, the Romulan commander was played by Mark Lenard, who would go on to play Spock’s father Sarek throughout the franchise until the 09 film. Sarek was played by James Frain in Discovery, so it would have been a fun Easter Egg to have him play the Romulan

That sounds so much better than ‘man-baby gets his feelings manipulated by a weird old man’. I think it would also tie in really well thematically with the ethical and moral struggles of the Jedi as a whole in the prequels - pacifist monks who somehow get roped into becoming generals in a massive war, a role they’re

I seem to remember that in a different interview the creators mentioned this very idea, that they pictured it as a trilogy of live-action Lightyear movies that were then adapted into a cartoon — which, yes, I too am head-canoning as Buzz Lightyear of Star Command — and it’s that cartoon which gave rise to the toy line

My point was that it’s not sentient humanoid aliens with a range of gender identities of which non-binary is just one possibility. It’s sentient humanoid aliens where this is apparently the only gender identity — it’s not breaking free from a gender binary, it’s reducing it to a gender unary. Surely that means a lot

I really want a Spider-Verse game but one where you get to make your *own* spider, like really go wild with the costume options, and hang out with other, more famous spiders. Shit, they could even lean into the RPG of it all and have you select dialogue and customize your quips and attitude and quip frequency. Make it

Quantum Leap’s first episode was set in 1995. So it could pick up in “the modern day,” because we’ve already moved past Quantum Leap’s furthest predicted future.

Exactly what I was thinking. The Borg already existed at this time - I assume; outside the books which are not cannon, their origin and timeline are murky at best in the TV and movie universe - so I just figured Borgatti went off to other pastures to do her NuBorg thing and avoided the OG Borg and Federation until the

You know, Assignment Earth and the whole Temporal Cold War thing would probably go together like PB&J.

Arik and Noonien both had egos the size of Jupiter so I’m going with option A.

There’s a few changes to the bridge from its appearance on Discovery. I’m still not a fan of the grey bulkheads separating the stations, and how bulky and busy the stations look. I thought the way the original series had the stations all connected together as one sweep around the outer portion of the bridge was slick.

Guinan is also mad because of both climate change (which is something that is relatively new) and because there *are* people on Earth who have the wealth and power to fix things, but don’t because they fear “having less.” It’s not that things are the worst they’ve been, it’s that things are still bad, when they

“They have locked the gates… we cannot get out… mascots… mascots everywhere… their eyes, always watching… we cannot get out… the song plays constantly… we cannot get out… always the same… M-I-C… they “see” everything… K-E-Y… why won’t it stop??? M-O-YOU CAN’T LEAVE!”

Seems like they missed out on a fun joke by not also casting Rebecca Romijin as Nurse Chapel, and just never drawing attention to it.