
This was Trump’s response: “Now they want to change 1492, Columbus discovered America,” Trump said. “You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 Project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know.”

If this season doesn’t have Space Cabbie in an episode I will be profoundly disappointed.

I loved the Nadja doll

Or crabs. Nature loves a crab.  And the mammal equivalent seems to be something otter-like, which has evolved a number of times.

Minor request, if a post is just spotlighting a video, could the headline indicate that please?

Virginia is decriminalizing marijuana.

Came here to say this. Enough with “Believe All Women.” The hashtag should be “Investigate All Accusations.” It applies urgency and importance to the matter, but it also ensures that accusers who aren’t being 100% truthful get their shit called out.

You know scientists are calling it “The Sexy Quark” and laughing like children.

LOL. Once I saw that “robot”, my first thought was... “Captain Pike, is that you?” I wonder how many people will get that particular reference.

“... but that she is not some dike holding back Lena’s villainy.”

Janeway would have killed them all by hand.

One episode, where they were trying to get truth out, mentioned that the ASA has a cover story up that the city is quarantined and they managed to intercept and modify the broadcast out to stop the truth from being released. 

Yes, my recollection is that Black Lightning did get away at the end. Gravedigger knocked him out, then ordered Lynn to stay behind in exchange for the others’ release, but then BL reappeared, skewered Gravedigger with lightning (possibly fulfilling his earlier declaration of being willing to kill to save Lynn, though

Wait, he went with them on the chopper at the end, didn’t he? I thought I watched the whole episode but if he stayed behind I definitely missed the end!

no way, the o’briens have been through enough! we need to let those people live out the rest of the fictional lives in peace.

I would just like to go more than twice a week. I could give a toss what time of day it happens. TMI, I know.

One of the contestants in the Hallmark Christmas dating show should have been her high school boyfriend, who now a doctor but also her partner in the town’s gingerbread house-making competition, without which her family’s restaurant will go out of business 

TNG’s “Best of Both Worlds”. Sure, the follow-up episode isn’t quite as good, but at least the cliffhanger was the culmination of Riker’s arc through the first episode.

TO G/O MEDIA: I’m a person who fits right smack dab in the middle of the most coveted advertising demo. This post is indicative of the content I have most enjoyed from this site over the past 10 years that I’ve been a regular visitor. Please allow your very talented writers to continue doing this sort of work, and I

Yeah the autoplay is fucking obnoxious. Why aren’t they at least muted by default?