
Seriously. I hate that Splinter is gone and the sad thing is, I don’t miss it as much for their own posts as for the bulk of smart commenters who dug deeper and offered additional links and information. I can read the news anywhere, but I don’t dip into comment sections anywhere outside of the GMG...which I guess

Uuuuuugh... I will watch this. I’ll probably enjoy this. But it will take me a long time to accept that the attitude that TTG has towards fans who like the original show better is anything other than smug. Like, I’m not a bitter guy. I can live and let live. But TTG is explicitly a version of the original TT cartoon.

But will SarDOH return??

Those memorials kill the birds.  They kill all the birds, and it gives you memorial cancer!”

Im totally pro union except for LEOs. All cops are bad. 

This obsession with Hilary is the longest Trump has ever been faithful to one woman.

Isn’t an “Edison style” bulb, by definition, supposed to be made of stolen ideas?

With the angled display, it reminds me of the Knight Industries 2000. Chop off the top and bottom of the steering wheel, and it feels even moreso.

I’m going to use this as an opportunity to talk about an uncomfortable truth that many Americans are scared to acknowledge even though they know it’s true.......

That’s a more charitable take on these surcharges than I’d give restaurateurs credit for. Here in the Seattle area these sort of surcharges coincidentally started appearing right around when the minimum wage was raised to $15/hr., and at the time some business owners were quite vocal in their opposition to it. It’s no

I am so tired of this “it took him 33 years to come out.” Are gays supposed to come out the moment they are born? Jesus Christ this is so fucking stupid.


Long Live Winamp!

Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers Is Getting a Movie Adaptation

I remember reading a magazine article about MiniDiscs before they were readily available in the US. I was so enamored at the technology of it. I never ended up even seeing one in real life though. The closest I got were PSP UMDs.

Dr. Manhattan was inside us, all along.

To be considered buying votes, this would have to be a poll tax. If it’s a poll tax, it’s illegal.

Thanks. I just hit my wife in the eye with a quarter because she brought me a drink and I instinctively tipped because of this column.

Always tip the ticket taker. If you can’t afford to tip the ticket taker 85%, you can’t afford to go to the movies. Full stop, no exceptions.