
I kept looking for Zack, and then realized that he’s the one who looks like Mr. Belding. 😧

And all this time I thought Saved by the Bell took place in high school, but I guess it must have been elementary school because all these people look amazing!

And was I wrong, but was Pike literally just one the other side of a single door when a photo torpedo went off (that blew off the front 1/3 of the saucer), but he was fine?  Huh?

Not that I thought the blue eyes joke was comedic brilliance or anything, but I’ve seen serious recappers groaning about the joke, when I thought it was perfect.

When I was washing dishes and busing tables as a starving punk just out of raccoon school, I wouldn’t think twice about eating someone’s leftovers when the plates came back, unless there was like a wad of gum or a cigarette butt in the middle of it or something gross like that.

Everyone I know who’s watched Disco has told me the Short Treks have been available for them to watch, whether it is CBSAA, Netflix or even Canadian TV. If people miss them that’s their own choice.  They aren’t hidden away as far as I know.

I was confused as hell about the Tech Boy/Mr. World/CEO scene.

Jennifer Goines did it better. And in French. And 100 years ago.

I guess I just have one question: WTF is a TIME CRYSTAL?

Plz stop linking us to your Slack (Media Matters link). This is not the first Dirt Bag where I've encountered this :/

I don’t mind Ethan Peck as Spock. He’s not Leonard Nimoy, but in this reimagining of the character I can buy that he’s the son of James Frain.

Also, there was a ‘time tsunami’ that was a danger to the ship, so they warp away. Good. Gotta stay safe... and it explains how the Kelpians go extinct. Discovery just let their

I don’t know if anyone mentioned this, but why in the world is that image flipped?? Star Trek has been around for over 50 years, so people should know that the badges are on the character’s left/ the viewer’s right. So why are these badges on the character’s right/ the viewer’s left??

The moment Kirk and Scotty see the refit Enterprise for the 1st time in TMP is the reason the term “spaceship porn” is a thing...

“waiters and others in the food service industry work difficult jobs”

“Stop buying canned, chopped tomatoes.” “I don’t like this product, so you should stop using it.”
No. Also, no.
They’re extremely convenient and I make great spaghetti sauce with them. I DO WHAT I WANT!

And then Peter uses it before he can get to it and they fight to the death.

A Micro Machines movie would have 800 pages of dialogue, and a running time of 37 minutes.  

Me. Because the cookie is good. And the icing is vile.

“This is the Good Place; wouldn’t all Oreos be Double Stuf?”

Nonsense. in the Good Place Oreos wouldn’t come with any of that garbage sucrose American-nightmare frosting shit, they’d just be tasty chocolate cookies in a charming round shape.

The scientists from “Prometheus” don’t understand your concern.