
I’ve enjoyed the atmospheric sound of this series, but it’s undeniable that going full-on worked well here.

These gender reveals are getting out of hand.

Ann Coulter exists in the uncanny valley. She looks too human to be a mannequin, but she doesn’t look nearly human enough to be mistaken for the real thing. She looks like a very talented pastry chef covered a skull with flesh-colored fondant.

No. Their employer is stiffing the staff. Customers should tip, but they are not responsible for complying with labor laws.

My rule: if I paid at a counter, I’m not tipping. Neither should these kids unless they’re sitting down with a menu, getting actual table service and paying at the end.

This is easy- My first real job out of college was an account executive for a major cosmetic giant. I got promoted to a larger account and was told my boss would *challenge* me. She was a religious fanatic and a complete fuckface asshole that used her Catholic faith to belittle, demean, and insult everyone she worked

The year I came out, my mom got me a book along the lines of “Jesus Can Give Anyone A New Beginning!” and a stress ball.

I also loved cat Zari reaching out a paw to comfort John when he was at his low point due to guilt and timeline derangement. Even kitty Zari is the best

When that cat started operating the touchscreen on the shuttlecraft thingy I just about lost it. Zari Cat forever!

Yeah, the new music just disappoints me so very much. Murray Gold’s music was one of the things that stood out to me the most when I first started watching the show. Hearing the generic sci-fi nonsense the show has now is just a giant giant step down.

Now playing

Mostly this has be a great series. A few bumps along the way, but no real clunker episodes like, “Fear Her” or “Love & Monsters”. Watching Graham’s character development and Ryan become closer to him was a real joy. I think Yaz was short changed a bit, but plenty of time for that in 2020 when the show returns.

Wait, there’s other content on Tumblr? Asking for a friend.

they’re literally taking money out of a server’s pocket

On the other hand, you didn’t serve me a tax. This is why tipping needs to go away. Pay a f***ing salary and be done with it. Somehow everywhere else on Earth has figured it out.

Also, I love that the Doctor has a doctorate in LEGO. She’s given me something to aspire to, especially since all I have currently is a duploma.

It also feels like he has no free will. Since he knows how his timeline will unfold, he can’t really choose how or when to fight, it’s already happened and must go that way.

I like the Samus design, but I still dig the more classic look to represent an alien suit of armor. This version looks very human.

You’re obnoxious and deviant. I like that in a person.

My neighborhood gets quite a few adults, sans costumes, armed with a Northgate Market shopping bag, panhandling for candy (I can’t say they’re trick or treating, because none of them even say ‘trick or treat’). Throughout the year, we save all the soy sauce, ketchup, hot sauce, ranch, etc... packets, and when these

One of our neighbors gives out a toothbrush. And two full size Snickers.