
I think mavity is a fun gag, so long as they use it sparingly (and I AM expecting an explicit visit with Hot Newton to fix it).

I also enjoy they’re sticking with that. I’m gonna assume at some point they’re going to revisit Hot Newton and fix it, but until then... hee

There really does need to be a common term for “ended because the creative people felt it was time to end” RATHER than “the money people decided it wasn’t worth making it anymore”.

A JSA movie would have been great! But it doesn’t have to be one to have those characters be in it. They just exist and are a part of it. A movie can focus on one character in particular and still have a supporting world around it. They don’t all have to get dramatic origin stories told or solo adventures, especially

I think we have opposite views of what we’d like to see here. I thought the Justice Society in BA was kind of the best part. It made it seemed like an ongoing world that had existed before Black Adam showed up in the present day, and would go on afterwards. If you’ve got all these characters already existing, you

I stopped noticing the difference in Rick pretty quickly. Morty is a bit easier to pick up on. Neither one has Roiland’s extreme grating quality that he brought to every single role. Both are doing excellent jobs though.

I really hope they commit to 14 actually becoming 15 down the line somehow. I don’t like the idea of there being two actual separate Doctors running around, especially at this particular split (much less bunches and bunches). Way too easy for bigots to dismiss 15 as a “fake” Doctor they don’t have to acknowledge. Doing

I caught that too, but it was just the one time, I guess to ensure it was easily distinct for non-hearing viewers. Every other time, he’s just referred to as Doctor, but at that point 15 was on the scene, so it needed disambiguation, and for a more casual viewer “10" is clearer than “14" for Tennant.

For a tech dev cycle like this, it’s forever!

I’ve never seen Gladiator, but... huh. You don’t ascribe “very deep meaning” to Running Man? I mean, sure, it’s a dumb actioner on the surface level, but it’s pretty clearly got some significant deeper themes going on.

So Loki’s time-traveling abilities weren’t a problem of why, or how, but rather... Who. *woosh, dun-dun-dun*

I can’t say I particularly minded the Timeless Child stuff. It introduces far fewer problems than most people like to complain about. No, what bothers me is re-killing Gallifrey after all the nonsense to bring it back. THAT is what I’d like to see retconned.

I know someone like this. Should have realized.

I thought he was a terrible Superman... during his appearances on Supergirl. On his own show, he was absolutely one of my favorite live action versions of Superman. I’m terrible disappointed he and his fellow castmates won’t be able to shine on in their roles any further, but hopefully they get a proper sendoff

So little faith! For all we know, the next season will spend time exploring these very concerns.

I mean... except real cars exist and are commonplace, even really cool ones. Functional animatronics that walk around and do stuff are rare and often difficult to make work, even in a movie. It’d be much easier in many ways just do composite in some CG and be done with it.

It’s not going to help that they’ve cast a few actors in there that give reliably flat vocal performances in their live action roles already.

I don’t see the name “Greg Weisman” mentioned anywhere, so I’m having trouble getting excited by this. People can worry about specific actors or special effects all they want, but Weisman is the absolute heart of that show.

Yeah, if they were looking to have a seamless transition, opening with a heavily Mr. PB-focused episode with such a really obviously different voice actor might not have been the very best choice. Maybe shuffle it around a little.

At least this time it wasn’t full of spoilers for unreleased episodes.