
I’ve only seen the ads they’ve been running, but it really is remarkable how similar they sound in the little snips presented. But even in those it’s pretty clear that new Rick distinctly has the edge taken off.

I’ll concede that it could have been built up more, shown more small successes. But it WAS built up to and didn’t come from nowhere. It was made clear she’d been working toward this.

Won’t deny it could have been built up to more. But it was touched on more than once that this is something she’d been working toward, even if we didn’t see all the steps.

I could have taken this comment seriously if you hadn’t broken out “Mary Sue” to describe it. Sure, she’s trained and tried and failed again and again, but has a breakthrough in a moment of life or death desperation. Totally unrealistic character development, right? No, not at all. It’s a classic hero moment. It’s

Those last two movies change the tone a lot. I’d assumed the series would ignore those and possibly even some of the earlier ones, but nope! It’s allll canon.

This is fine. But personally I see two requirements for an idea like this if one was going to actually make the film. One, Casper has to be, genuinely, a friendly ghost, even if he scares people. Two, they can’t significantly change the character design. If you can’t pull it off under those conditions, then don’t

Please ignore. I apparently forgot a huge chunk of that episode’s plot somehow. *sigh*

Inaccurately in that Bendii syndrome does not cause broadcast emotions. Or at least it was not previously described or depicted as doing so. Ok, well apparently I have forgotten a huge chunk of that episode’s plot and it DOES actually do that. My mistake!

I don’t believe she was ever actually diagnosed with it. It was just (very inaccurately) called out as a syndrome with similar effects.

I have one serious issue with this episode, and it’s that Bendii Syndrome doesn’t produce emotional projection like that. It causes a loss of emotional stability in the individual, but it stays in their head. It only affected Picard in “Sarek” because he underwent a mind meld in an attempt to help Sarek stay well

The unfortunate problem is that those rolling brownouts are probably the only reason that got the new stuff built. Broadly speaking, no one is willing to invest in new infrastructure unless there is a pressing, immediate need. If there’s still enough power, no one will bother adding more, even knowing that the plan is

Yeah, this is a legitimate industry complaint, but it’s just not the same thing here. I know I read that he himself is upset he’s not going to get paid for this new show, which he is not involved in. But this is a totally different show despite sharing actors and characters. Other than casting, none of the stuff he

Move Along Home is tedious, confusing, and nonsensical. I’ve no objection to silly fun, but it didn’t even manage to be that. They want you to take it all seriously. It’s just as painful to watch as it is for them to play that game.

The okness of queer coding a villain aside, my point was that yeah the world didn’t explode, because people have been doing it for so long that it’s not even notable anymore. Do it with the hero, and suddenly people notice.

No way any of those is worse than Move Along Home. More boring, more offensive, sure, but overall worse? Nuh-uh.

There was no setup. You had to recognize the distinctive shape of it or it’s completely missed.

You know, I don’t really mind the Timeless Child stuff so much. It didn’t erase anything, just added a bunch of crazy extra stuff.

Yeah, but you can do that with villains. Honestly there’s a long, long tradition of queer coding the bad guys. It makes the straights uncomfortable, which adds to the threat.

Ok, see, Lower Decks is doing loving, knowing, gentle ribbing of Star Trek and Star Trek fans, while staying within canon and being actual Star Trek. TAS was actually trying to do straight up serious Trek in the vein of the original show.

I mean, there’s a reason for that....