
Here’s a nice thought: A new Trek show set in the same time period as Picard, but Picard’s not in it. But characters FROM Picard are in it. I think that would be great.

I had assumed and it had seemed implicit that the Jurati-Borg were going to be off on their own doing an alternative Collective. It does seem entirely possible that they might have picked up some pieces from the hefty blow Voyager hit them with though.

Reading these reviews, I always feel like they were written by someone who got their mad up real high, then only halfway paid attention to the actual show.

I would make the argument that The Final Frontier is, for better or worse, the most like an actual TOS episode of all the movies though.

Yeah, my own list doesn’t remotely resemble the one presented here either. Let’s not forget Monaghan effectively played three distinctly different version of the Joker, and he’s honestly my favorite live action performer for the character(s).

Obviously she killed and ate Seven. Or at least had her implants harvested.

I really wonder if the Grand Serpent’s “Prentis” persona’s first name started with an A, and if he ever crossed paths with the other Time Lord we know to be running around, perhaps to study under him....

See, I never read it as Starfleet being seen primarily as a military organization to fight the Klingons. More that certain high ranking elements in it had been doing just that and almost solely that for so long that they knew no other way to define themselves. It can be clearly seen that the majority do not think this

I want Legends and Flash to cross over, with crazy timeline shenanigans, and Barry just having to constantly exclaim “IT WASN’T ME THIS TIME, I SWEAR!” to everybody.

The finale of Crisis on Infinite Earths established “Stargirl” as the new Earth-2.

I remember thinking that the arguments from the heroes would have carried more weight if there’d been even one powered human hero or even villain on the show. The DCU is full of them. The Arrowverse is full of them even. Heck, even “Supergirl” itself had a few early on, but they’d all been long forgotten.

Interesting. I personally like ketchup and mustard together on a burger. Some restaurants will treat you like a criminal for asking for ketchup on it, I swear. Meanwhile, it’s a fight to get them to not put mayo on it... ugh.

Is this one of those articles written just to get angry interaction out of it? Sure seems like it.

I started playing Puzzles & Survival (through one of those apps where you get gift card points for playing) hoping it was anything like those ads. And... not even REMOTELY. But I actually ended up enjoying it, and am still playing? I’ve dropped exactly 99c on it the whole time, too, and that was off a Play gift card I

It’s so weird... that’s my favorite part of the movie.

I feel like TMP gets its rep of being unbearably slow and badly paced comes largely from the original TV/home video release, which had a whole bunch of extra footage jammed in without much care. The director’s cut tightens it up QUITE a lot compared to that version. And the new effects really do add a lot visually,

I noticed just recently that HBO Max does indeed have a  “leaving soon” section. More of them need to do this.

Arizona hot is different from Texas hot. “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” may be a cliche, but it’s also 100% true. Warm, wet air is heavy and oppressive and feels much hotter than it is, making you feel sticky and gross almost immediately. AC clears out that humidity. In places like Arizona, you’re more likely

Huh. I stand corrected. I guess Crisis did it.

I can’t recall if Tag was native to Smallville or not, so there’s that possibly at play. But also, Tag’s exposure was minor and not controlled, unlike the Eradicator/MRI machine process, and thus only partial and unstable powers.