
That is definitely an inconsistency, but yes, I’m taking it as a small chamber in the Fortress, with the areas seen in Supergirl being elsewhere. I’ll admit to some annoyance that it’s been so different, but at the same time the version in Supergirl would not match the visual tone of the show I think.

Tal-Rho also had a Kryptonian childhood, so not only does he have the torturous life on early, but it’s in contrast to his first decade of life in his own culture. So he has every reason to hate humans and want to restore his home world.

It was my understanding from the show’s dialogue that Zeta-Rho co-opted Lara’s technology and turned it from the storage of consciousness into a device to replace existing consciousnesses. Possibly he’s also the one who ended up calling the device that name.

That part is easy to explain. Notice that Clark installs the Jor-El sunstone crystal every time he arrives before Jor-El shows up. I’m not sure if he brings it with him or it’s stored somewhere, but either way Jor-El just plain isn’t active unless that crystal is in place.

The Eradicator didn’t give Kryptonian powers by itself. The X-Kryptonite was the key to that part.

I was sure Supergirl already had a Morgan Edge too, but it turns out it was actually Maxwell Lord as basically the same sort of character (minus the Kryptonian part).

It was repeatedly shown that the alpha zombies had some kind of glowing blue stuff inside them. It wasn’t that mysterious why the eyes would glow blue.

I assume to transport him somewhere better able to study and/or contain him. I mean they didn’t “let him out”. They put him in a big metal box.

Lore never died. He was disassembled.

There are things I didn’t like about “Picard” and even agree with some of what you say, but a few things deserve counterpoints.

He has the main superpower of all the best horror monsters: he doesn’t die, or if he does, he doesn’t stay dead.

I had not heard that “Geraldine” was Monica Rambeau before starting watching the show, so I was very frustrated when every review I saw explicitly referred to her as such long before the in-show reveal. That would have been a nice surprise.

Though the setting and origin were changed, The Outer Limits’ adaption was quite faithful otherwise, and very well done. I haven’t felt a need for a do-over, but I’ll be intrigued to see it.

My gun-loving brother described a scenario in which a PCP-crazed addict breaks into his (fairly remote) house looking for things to steal for more drugs, and he or his wife must empty an entire clip into the person because the bullets don’t stop them until they get right up close. My attempt to suggest this was an

It was also implied that Barry’s dad actually WAS Jay’s Earth-1 doppleganger, with an offhand mention that his grandmother’s maiden name (IIRC) was Garrick.

With the restructuring and restoration of the multiverse, he very well could be the “same” Jay Garrick without any contradiction, because his history would have been revised like everyone else’s.


I remember it existing. I think I watched a few episodes, but I didn’t realize it had run two seasons. This may have been during a period where I didn’t have regular access to the channel it came on though. I found it odd that Zeta in the show had a different design than in Batman Beyond.

One thing you point out is that it was rated PG. These days that’s essentially considered a kids movie,with the rare G rating typically given to things for the very youngest kids, and PG-13 often being the watershed where parents might need to worry. But when Grease was released though, there was no PG-13. It went

Watch the show at 1.25x speed. The web player for Netflix can do this. Really helps the pacing and you barely notice the speedup.