
Couldn’t they retool the park to change the time period? Remove the sequel trilogy-specific elements that can’t exist yet, replace them with Mando-era stuff, tweak the rest as needed. Surely that specific location would have existed a few decades earlier and be mostly similar. Just have different characters running

Forget going Guy Gardner. Just iterate on his Spartan costume. It was nearly a GL uniform already by the end of the series, black with green panels and a green light shining on his face under the face shield. They were not being subtle.

This is admittedly only tangentially related to a review of this book, but I wanted to say I feel like the title is a horrible one for a sequel. It’s lazy and it makes no sense. “Ready Player Two” should have been the title for a parallel novel that explored the experiences of another character during, and perhaps

My head canon is that Fischer Stevens’ CHARACTER was also actually a white guy in brown makeup and a fake accent, and everyone around him either doesn’t realize it or tolerates it because he’s good at his job and they don’t care about his weird eccentricity. Also everybody around him is heavily white privileged so no

I disagree about the costumes. These are clearly professionally put together costumes, with a lot of expensive detail and care. What you’re reading as “home made” is the fact that many of them are brightly colored, are not elaborate leather and armor plate affairs, and often look incredibly silly. In other words,

This show was cheesy as hell, but if you can look past that and have a tolerance for some unsophisticated writing, it was actually pretty good. Not EVERY episode, but certainly some. Also it had a nice looking toy line.

Huh. I distinctly remember Rax, including the windows. I recall getting these gator mascot drinking bottles from there. But I would have sworn it was a burger place. Then again, when you’re that young you’re not exactly detail-oriented.

The last Pizza Hut buffet I remember going to was about 20 years ago, somewhere nearish to Houston. I was on a trip, and stopped for lunch. It was near closing time for the buffet (it was lunch only) and I really wanted to get that buffet. But everything on it looked dry and old by that point, with fresh pizza

I remember seeing the kid’s audition tape that he submitted to the production, unsolicited as I recall. He absolutely 100% nailed being Aang in it. I was so shocked and disappointed when I saw his performance in the movie (above and beyond the rest of my disappointment), and could only blame the director for failing

I saw the same thing there. That can’t have been unintentional.

Energon was actually my level of expectation for it. With that as my baseline, it actually seemed pretty decent.

You know, I never really picked up on the trans allegory of the overall movie, and still struggle a bit to see it. But on the other hand, at least the way I remember it now, I always assumed Switch was meant to be male in one world and female in the other, and was surprised when that turned out not to be the case.

That... wasn’t snow.

This is just the “gay panic” defense, repurposed.

Tony never stopped making weapons. Not even in Iron Man (1). He just stopped SELLING weapons. Important distinction. Tony’s whole arc is about trying, repeatedly, to build a big enough, sophisticated enough weapon system to finally achieve world peace. At first he’s content to simply destroy what his company had put

If you enjoyed the look and tone of the books Livio Ramondelli illustrated, you’ll probably like this, from the look of it. If you’re wanting MTMTE/Lost Light, I think you’ll be very disappointed.

Ew, gross, no. What part of Texas have you been getting that from?

I have eaten fajitas at many restaurants in Texas. Some include shredded cheese, others do not. I don’t expect it, but I do like having it.

That’s a nice “trailer music” version of the theme. I do hope they use the original theme though, or something that doesn’t deviate far from it. Rarely has there been something that needs revision or modernization LESS than the Unsolved Mysteries theme. It’s just so perfectly fear inducing.

I assumed “most inhospitable” was the intended phrase. Either way, yeah, obviously not correct as written.