
They have already thoroughly established that Alice knows how to make perfect facial replicas of just about anyone from scraps of flesh, and does not require specialized equipment or facilities to do it. Is this ridiculous? Absolutely. But is it previously established as an actual skill she possesses and can utilize

This article does not quite make it clear that there is a newer and (presumably) more faithful dub available of both of these films. I’ve seen them recently on Pluto TV and they were pretty good.

If we’re measuring solely on how much better a dad they are than their fathers were, Rusty ought to score pretty dang high.

Honestly, the Bechdel story made me laugh so hard I cried. Actual tears welled up, I laughed so hard.

Don’t forget TX Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s insistence that people should be willing and happy to die for the sake of the economy. Something he has said multiple times on live TV.

I have a similar issue. Mine is NOT a firstname.lastname address, but it is a short, simple compound word. I get emails from people having signed up for things all the time, and I don’t know why. I changed the password, it didn’t stop. The only new logins I get reported are from me. Sometimes the emails are addressed

It’s not really “still” on. Once or twice a decade they get together and make a special or short run of episodes.

This was my recollection as well. Maybe CW is sending out screeners with fake endings now?

If you hadn’t called it out, I was about to. I just started laughing in amused incredulity after about the third disruptor got pulled. That’s about the point where you go “ah, right. Romulans.”

I read elsewhere that the kiss was in the script. However Barrowman holding it as long as he did was a surprise.

The previous Earths of the multiverse do not (necessarily) still exist. What we have is an all new multiverse. There’s probably no alt-Kate to miss alt-Beth. And people didn’t really get “merged” either. Everyone and everything was dead and gone. A new, synthesized Earth-Prime is in every way better than the

There wasn’t “one timeline” though. When they did Flashpoint and so much changed afterwards, Earth-2 Wells showed up and was just as confused by the changes as Barry. Only Earth-1 had been changed. It didn’t spread to the other Earths.

I watched this and tried my best to give it a fair shake. My honest impression of it is that it’s like an extremely extended version of a parody animated short of the original show. The animation is simple and at times very limited, giving the impression of something created on a tight budget, though it has moments of

He got closer than most, I’ll admit. I wouldn’t complain if he was brought back.

Bring back Karl Urban as McCoy. Everything else is negotiable as far as I’m concerned. He’s the only one that felt like the same character to me.

The piano bit was the most obvious, but the entire trailer score quotes liberally from the original movie’s score. That got me excited almost more than anything else.

Ghosts were always real, but rare, and not widely believed in.

I would like to suggest that Helen Slater NOT play an Linda Lee/Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, but rather Karen Starr/Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. Maybe use the version of her costume that has the S shield instead of the boob window though.

This post never says they’re the first, and specifically calls out books as one of the places where some have been present.

But will there be tiny mod chips?