
This is how I’ve been lead to understand it. My dad used to have a little card pinned to his desk with the details you needed to look for to determine if you were allowed to flaunt the no-guns request and tote your unwelcome weapon inside anyway.

He was very definitely being sarcastic in that scene, referring to the events of AoS as a whole, as though she had not been there, in response to an unreasonably optimistic statement she made. It was meant to underline just how unlikely it was that she’d be correct. As I recall.

I was in Target the other day, near the electronics section, and as I’m standing there, there’s an ad for Endgame playing, and I hear it blare out the dialog of the climactic scene that causes what’s discussed in the article here, I think it was a clear sign that the possibility of avoiding spoilers is entirely over.

It’s definitely an artifact of that fairly brief period of time when people primarily used contact lists on cell phones and no one knew numbers anymore, but before contacts were routinely saved to clouds and such and automatically transferred to new phones. Still something that can happen, but far, far more rare.

It’s been pretty ambiguous. There’s the occasional element that seems anachronous to a 70s-ish setting, but the overall style and production design clearly lean that way. The flashback being ambiguously the 40s would seem to help cement that as the intent.

Did you not read? It explicitly says “for clients”. The people ordering are not the ones eating. Staff should not be expected to pay out of pocket for catering for the clients.

I mostly scroll past them. I’d be more interested if each one had a small blurb after it giving it context, fact checking, etc.

It’s my understanding that there’s often an upcharge that’s used to pay whatever it is the restaurants pay to the delivery services. In effect, the delivery service charges you for the delivery, but they’re also charging the restaurant to make delivery service available.

Careful not to run afoul of Marvel’s lawyers. They’re Disney now, you know.

This is almost 100% certainly building off his previous 85 issues. He’s only got 3 issues fewer to do what he was planning to do. I think he can probably finish what he was going for in that span.

This can be difficult unless you can afford to buy extremely small packages of things. Bulk is cheaper. Which is pointless if you throw out large portions of it, true, but it’s hard to know sometimes if you’ll use it all. And hey, just TRY buying bread in portions smaller than a loaf.

I would say you’re overstating the value of “formal education” on critical thinking, and also perhaps assuming more of it than is reasonable in some cases. And “politically saavy” is a REAL stretch for some of that collected nobility.

I was hoping they’d use the Picard leitmotif (heard now and then in early TNG seasons), but the flute worked well for that personal connection.

No, my point was that he wasn’t king yet when she made that demand, nothing else. Also never said he was impartial. That’s your own read.

That was during the vote, and while she was the last voice to be heard, it was not exactly a given yet. If anyone ceded the North to Sansa, it was Tyrion.

I loved the cheezy ripoff versions of the various shows’ theme music in the background.

This was honestly my confusion on this article as well. I couldn’t really understand why I’d even use one of those services for a restaurant that does its own delivery.

My read on this is that he’s claiming he never needed money from banks, and in fact it is the banks that wanted HIS money. He is wanting us to believe he never took any loans, and that all his dealings with banks were to deposit his own money into them. Note that he claims they are “happy to take [his] money” and not

Yes. Which makes Tyrion the de facto ruler. Which, come on, that’s what we all really wanted to see, isn’t it?

I felt like Bran was the perfect compromise king. He’s from a Great House, he’s a guy, so he’s got those qualifications going for him. And aside that, he’s just... completely non-objectionable. No one especially favors him, aside perhaps the North, and the North secedes. No one has anything in particular against him