
What this clip made me realize is that Will Smith SHOULD be in this movie, but not as the Genie. He should be Jafar. Now there’s a man I could believe could charm his way into a top position in a royal court. Also he only has the one real musical number, and maybe they could make something new just for him. I suppose

And what’s your point? Mine was that they have clearly singled out any sort of food that isn’t baseline starvation prevention to the best of their abilities. It was surely just an order of magnitude more difficult to break down specific purchases so they could call out extravagances like spices and condiments.

I have a suspicion that they included meal prep subscription boxes in that total. Because they appear to deem any non-subsistence level food as a non-essential.

It’s a remix. Nothing is quite 1:1.

I wondered if that had anything to do with the fact that Gordon wasn’t there to encourage those tendencies. Without that influence he might not have felt quite so compelled to stick with the pattern of hiding his true capacity.

I cheered for the balloon man. He was the first sign of things to come.

Well, they supposedly slipped “just” inside the event horizon. Without hard numbers there’s really no way to tell what factor of time dilation “should” have been in play.

I’ve been viewing this show as Batman ‘66 with a Burton overlay (and Nolan violence) since somewhere in the second season, and it’s what’s made me love the show. My immediate thought after the episode finished was that now they need to make a movie, and it should be a straight remake of the Batman ‘66 movie. A series

Hah, this was pretty much exactly my friend and I’s commentary as we watched. Though I called out SeaQuest rather than The Abyss.

I have to assume you didn’t actually see this episode. The Orville crew did in fact see their Kaylon pursuers moving at a drastically accellerated rate. The time dilation was explicitly called out. What was maybe a minute or two for them was said to have been two full days in normal space.

That’s what I’m saying. Amazon is behaving as though they’ve provided a dramatic increase in pay, when in fact it’s... apparently more or less the same thing in a different format.

I believe the point was that while the base pay has gone up, it is largely negated for many by the removal of all the other perks. So it’s not really this huge raise at all, and Amazon is cheering it as though it is.

Multiple points here!

A town where all the adults are gone and all the kids are played by adults!

“Other than”? No, no. They’re doing them all, haven’t you noticed?

Rebuttal: Winamp still exists and works great. It even recently had an update! The rest of that is spot on.

I was assuming that Blum had it planted before calling his connections with the cops? He had plenty of them, and seem like the sort of guy who has the resources to get that done. Plus the cop who showed up knew without looking that the plain, unmarked, generic white box improbably sitting in the middle of a back seat

It ruined car chases for me. I saw Terminator 3 shortly after, and it has a fantastically destructive car chase involving a huge crane truck. While I was watching it all I could think was “A few months ago this would have been amazing. Now it’s crap.”

This puts me in mind of a review I encountered for a restaurant I had eaten at. The reviewer in question actually had many petty complaints, tearing in to the kitschy atmosphere and other elements, but the item that got the apparent bulk of his rage based on the all caps and exclamation points was the fact that they

I kind of gathered that essentially everything Gordon experienced beyond his specific interactions were things the computer picked up from the phone, including background character dialogue and the settings and sequence of events. The computer just took everything, correlated it by date, and built a scenario, filling