
People keep defending Starfire’s look here, but yeah, all those SPECIFIC elements together (ESPECIALLY the fur) and you get street walker.

I liked the theory in the video that TOS took place in an era of increased need for data security, and thus more things were kept as physical documents. More generally, I find the notion of some event causing the “regression” of the broad technology in use. Though I expect we’ll never see such a thing happening, I

Moreover, and I may be mistaken on this, it’s my understanding that items like smartphones require a lot of rare earth materials that China has in abundance but are far more rare in the US. Obviously manufacturing is the most significant factor, but having to import such materials or use the scarcer domestic supply

Battery life is rarely my main concern, though it’s a nice fringe benefit. I find pure black (especially with white text) almost as painful as black on white. I use a browser plugin to force Kinja sites (and elsewhere) to be a light grey on medium-dark grey. Sort of a slate color. I’ve always found that combo to be

Hmm. I’ll bite. Original Blacktron. That all black, with black visor, and cool tech detailing on the chest? While I did briefly allow the one that came with my big Space Police base set to be the bad guy, it was very little time indeed before he got appropriated as the “me” figure in all my Lego adventures.

They used to do that here! At some point they just... stopped. Honestly, it’s rare I even see a greeter now.

Oh, sorry. I wasn’t interested enough to watch the clip, heh. But like I said, the daughter is apparently played by a 20 year old, so the maturity gap is not nearly as wide as it really should be for this story.

Probably a lot to do with the younger one being made up to look as old as possible and the older one trying to look as young as possible, with both using corresponding body language. Presumably that’s post-swap.

This reminds me so much of my dad, who hates it when players celebrate a goal or show any kind of personality in general, in terms of both behavior and appearance. He rails about how they’re being paid to do a job, and so they shouldn’t express themselves or celebrate their accomplishment.

Systems exist, but they are up to the individual employer to implement them. There may be some states that mandate paid leave, but I am not sure. When considering state-level laws, they vary quite widely throughout the country.

I plan to keep reading, but otherwise I agree completely. I really wanted them to get married. I wanted them to become true partners. I wanted the dynamic to change, to see a long term change in the status quo. I was aware of Earth-2 Batman, and wanted to see something like that here, in this context. I was excited

Puppet pulling the strings? That sounds like a completely different classic Shazam antagonist. Think much smaller, and green.

Black Adam is frequently depicted as an anti-hero in the wider sense, and the hero of Khandaq, which he rules firmly but fairly, and his more villainous acts tend to be in service of protecting his people, very proactively. Depending on your source, obviously. He’s a bit like Marvel’s Namor, or possibly Doctor Doom.

As in “final”, yes.

Disappointed that you didn’t point out that the academic initiative that ended up trashing Peter’s life the rest of the way down by illustrating he (technically) didn’t write his own thesis was called “Brand New Day”. I mean, was it just too on the nose to mention?

I sincerely believe, without checking, that someone has already written this fanfic.

It IS a little hard not to see it that way. Aside from a few loose threads, all of the major driving forces of the show since the beginning have been resolved. The mystery of Rose Quartz, the fate of Pink Diamond, the return of Yellow and Blue to Earth. At this point it has to either end or change direction. But the

I knew there was no way they wouldn’t give us a good fight scene (and we got one), but it was just as obvious that with this show that was never how the conflict was actually going to be be resolved. That was always going to be about emotions and talking. And I am A-OK with that!

This episode just reinforces my growing conviction that Steven is a Princess. A title I bestow with the utmost love and respect for him.

Nah, you’re just confused because there’s essentially no difference between the two. I’m not even sure why you’d even feel a need to translate The Fifth Element into 80s anime style. It’s pretty much that already.