
Amethyst has always been able to shapeshift easier and for longer periods of time than any of the others. It’s kind of her main deal, powers-wise.

My parents started attending non-denominational Christian churches in the last several years, and my mother (a former Catholic) shocked me when she happily informed me that one thing she’d learned was that she doesn’t have to do good works to get into heaven. Just “accept Jesus”. Anything else is surplus to

If it was separate registers or something I might go with that, but it’s all together. It’s no harder to split the price of an item than not with a computerized register.

These combo restaurants never seem to leverage their shared menus. I’m sure if you ASK you can get weird hybrid stuff, but it’s never on the menu. There’s a Taco Bell/Long John Silver’s in my area, and it baffles me that you can’t get a fish taco there.

I somehow never managed to actually see anything but the basic cable chop job edit of this film until some point in this decade. I always enjoyed it, but a whole bunch of stuff made no sense. Seeing the unedited version was a revelation.

Interesting. I don’t know Storybots, but I also thought it had a Weird Al sound to it.

How is “dummy mode” weird or offensive? It sounds literally descriptive. When activated, the robot becomes an immobile dummy, yes? I mean, this article is pretty obviously hostile to the entire concept of the robot here, but this seems like a bit of particularly manufactured outrage. I assume it’s to do with

Yes, I don’t understand how they went through all that about speed (which is a completely legit subject of course), and never once mentioned that said bandwidth would blow through a data cap at record speeds.

Ah, that’s right. Misremembered how that played out.

I can’t see them doing any kind of Kingdom Come story without a big reset button at the end. Maybe if it was a multi-series finale? That could work.

On screen text specified “48 hours earlier” and flashed back to the Harun-El activation in the fortress, with a black cloud flying off, and then cut to Siberia. IIRC.

It really does bug me that they treat the Martians’ human forms as being the “default”. They established some very good reasons why they choose to maintain those forms most of the time, but they shouldn’t revert to them on death. I actually thought that meant J’onn was waking up from being zapped in that scene, and

When Barry did his whole “Flashpoint” thing a few seasons ago, Earth-2's Harrison Wells came and paid a visit afterwards and called out the changes, indicating that the timeline changes were localized to the one universe. Whether or not they make that a hard and fast rule is just something we’ll have to wait and see

I think NBC grabbed them up.

I thought Miller explained himself pretty clearly in an earlier episode. He’s a tool. The protomolecule needed an investigator, so it brought out the one it had on file. That same exchange identified Holden as a tool as well, and elaborated on it here. He’s necessary because he actually, physically exists.

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or what here. Leaning towards it, but I’ll still go ahead and say that no, they aren’t. The advertising wants you to see “unlimited” and think “oh, ok, I can run youtube and spotify and whatever all day, all the time, and it will always work like I expect it to and never run out”. Now of

There’s what they MEAN and then there’s what they want you to think you’re getting. The two should be the same thing, but they are not.

I’ve never understood the complaint “like an extended episode of the show”. Why is that a bad thing? I prefer that. I really would rather see that then some ever-escalating series of universe shattering stakes that a “theatrical experience” supposedly requires.

I’ve started getting the sense that their marriage wiill last exactly as long as the wedding, followed by an immediate reboot. I guess we’ll see what they actually do. Personally, I definitely prefer growth and changes in the status quo with long term consequences.

It varies quite a bit how “complete” the transformation is depicted as, but generally there is a superficial, but functional amount of alternate mode parts, and then you have the reconfigured robot parts underneath. The Beast Wars characters, for instance, had fully functional organ systems to a degree, though that’s