
Nah, no way Bundy would be VP.

I have seen several stories on this, and I’ve found one issue confusing and in need of clarification. Does EVERYTHING need a fix, or just the devices operating as access points? Typically access points are called out, but then the rest of the writing seems to imply ALL devices using wifi are directly affected. Of

Thing is, they’ve had portals in OUAT before, and they were a much simpler affair. The MCU-style portal is a complex affair with all kinds of crazy particle fire/spark/smoke. It can’t possibly be cheaper than what they used to use.

Well, I mean, the original Hood/Arrow incarnation was wanted for a whole bunch of murders he definitely did commit. I guess they pawned all that off on to Roy though, and GREEN Arrow is supposedly a different guy. I think he had a bunch of stuff pinned on him last season, but with DA Chase outed as Prometheus, it

I don’t think it’s as dire as all that. It was always dark in there, I think night time even, when we saw the room. There was definitely some deco on the walls (I saw some big sportsballs). I’m sure if we saw it with the lights on we’d get a better picture.

I think Malloy gave him a look for “Chris and Devon”, but otherwise it seemed to generally go the other direction.

Or, as Jason says, like a tent.

Perfect reply. All the stars for you.

It’s not a parody. Basically, if it could be, it would just plain be a Star Trek show, but they couldn’t do that, so they got as close as they could without invoking a lawsuit. And also there’s jokes.

What I liked was that even Captain Mercer has had enough of Malloy’s crap during the course of the episode. I’d like to see a payoff for that down the line, but I doubt it will happen.

I believe when he was introduced, he was stated to be 10. Given the time that’s passed, he’s got to be around 13. I was pretty much right there with you wondering about the extremely juvenile label. Regression is not uncommon in children as a method to deal with trauma, but I don’t imagine this show is functioning on

Crow! Crow!

Just the Ghibli Museum, apparently. Nowhere else.

My favorite tiny bit of the episode was Caitlin complaining that the entirety of her mutant medical training was “a week long course in variant human medicine”, if I recall the quote correctly. I just love tiny details that point to how a world that is otherwise familiar is affected by the presence of stuff like

They are quite real. My small-town nowhere bank branch has one.

Well, her powers were apparently overextended by the long distance transport. This medication would stimulate the affected processes back to their normal levels. You use the same thing on a healthy individual, you get a rush and a high, and maybe systemic damage. The principle is the same in plenty of other, real

I’ve always hated “power inhibiting collars” and the like. If it’s that easy to do, why isn’t it used literally everywhere? They’re generally depicted as universal to all powers and quite common.

She used her general knowledge of how hospitals work to fake it. She pulled on some scrubs, pulled some names off a chart on the wall, and just acted like she was supposed to be there. A little luck, the right words, and an overworked environment and she’s not even questioned.

Normal president: spins, distances themselves, maybe apologizes.

Am I the only one that noticed that the portals between realms are now identical to the ones used in Doctor Strange and Agents of SHIELD? I mean, was this already a thing and I just didn’t catch it?