
You know, I used to have it in my head that Klingons were mostly played by non-white actors, at least beyond the original series. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I actually thought about it and realized Worf is a major exception. B’Elanna too. Very, very few of the Klingons with any kind of major role have been

You can’t even argue “changing word usage” on that one. That’s just... typos at best, laziness and/or ignorance at worst. It’s a hill I frequently find myself on as well.

This feels like a linguistic trap. I am definitely not saying that.

Battles lost. War ongoing. *shrug*

That very much depends on the nature of the dictionary I’d think, and the people running it.

We must fight this. Without it, there is no word that means specifically what “literally” means. Well, none I know. This is a hill I would choose to die on. Metaphorically.

I almost didn’t mention this, but then I saw that this came from a site called “Apartment Therapy”, so...

Well keep in mind that if you’re talking electrical plugs, they can be used for all sorts of things. Christmas lights seem to be the most typical thing I’ve observed. Obviously cable outlets are a different thing.

Hey, as I said, clever editing. That does mean though that it wasn’t simply shown out of order. Still, if the bulk of it was made before last week’s episode, that would go aways to explain why it felt like a regression. I’m just not really sure it is. I’d like to see a citation on it.

IS it out of order? If so, they’ve done some clever reediting. The cold open with Bortus and Klyden could only have come AFTER last week’s episode.

I never called out dick jokes myself. I thought the whole discussion between Issac and Captain Mercer about his penis was pretty funny, for instance and, importantly, made sense for the characters. The only bit like that I’ve had a real problem with so far was Yaphit waggling a phallus at Dr. Finn after propositioning

I am hoping the jokes ramp down further as the series progresses. They are the weakest point, though I’m most certainly not advocating they lose the humor altogether.

Despite some VERY familiar plot elements (indeed, I identified the basic overall plot the moment the episode title appeared, without even needing to see the inside of the ship), I felt this was solidly done. No points for innovation of course, but the storytelling was there. My only real issues are the jokes, which

Puppet strings?

This was also the conclusion I came to.

See, now you’ve got me imagining just how Hank Hill would have viewed the 2016 election. It’s a losing proposition to speculate on how fictional characters might have acted in real world situations (at least not unless you’re actually writing them), but I feel like he would have found Trump to be “asinine”.

I seem to recall him having nothing but massive respect for former Democratic Texas governor Anne Richards. So there’s that?

So... in the 23rd century, 3D is still just a fad? Nice one. :D

I was confused about that invisible ship too. I was assuming it was a second ship, and one designed specifically for ramming and tearing in half other ships like that, given the wedge-shaped bow. Was it the corpse ship after all?

Ok, honestly, on reflection it’s probably usually mostly the teeth forcing that “cultivated accent”. But I remain convinced it’s at least partially deliberate, to reflect the language.