
A thing like this is great if there’s trust in the parent/child relationship. If the parent knows better than to use this as the first-resort contact option, and even then reserves it only for actually important situations, it can be a benefit to everyone. Otherwise it quickly does devolve into harassment.

As a person originally from Texas, I always thought it was incredibly strange that there were Six Flags parks in other states. The historical significance of those 6 flags was taught as part of state history in schools, and the park’s use of them was called out as a footnote kind of reference. It’s a meaningless name

They DO obliquely call out Final Crisis. I mean, if you want to talk about stories that make no sense but are full of crazy comics awesome BS.

No, it calls out that the 52 are everything made of matter and antimatter. The Dark Multiverse is a third thing. Daaaaaaark~

I actually want to listen to a full version of this cover. It was awesome.

Is... this one actually real? The others all seemed like they were at least attempting a clinical tone, but this one seems to abandon it almost entirely. It reads more like a high school or jr. high essay.

That little eye movement they do in close up while he’s on the phone... just screamed ST:TAS somehow. I practically giggled.

Noone ever said “traditional taco”. Unless it was in the video and I missed it. So no need to be “that guy” in the first place. I’d say it’s fair to assume the Americanized Tex-Mex style taco was the goal from Lay’s (though the submitter of the flavor idea may have meant otherwise). I mean... it’s pictured on the bag.

You’re right, and that was why I brought it up. He generally can’t actually get those venues filled on his own merits. If he does start regularly getting record setting crowds, worry.

“Filling”. Generally the impression I’ve gotten is that these locations are almost never full, despite emphatic claims that there were so many people that fire marshals were turning people away in droves, and that there were record numbers present.

It’s true, Hasbro is hugely fan driven with its Generations line, granting tons of fan wishes they you used to have to pay massive amounts to “third party” companies to get. Are they always perfect? No, since Hasbro still has to market to kids and keeps figures to strict budgets. But given that it’s official product,

There was a great run in the comics, I forget which book or exactly when, but in the last few years. Harley has broken off from the Joker and she is FRIGHTENINGLY competent, using her psychology background and intimate knowledge of Arkham to accomplish some stunningly intricate plans. Her ultimate goal is revealed to

Made me panic there and recheck my usage in my post. I used both of those words... correctly, thank goodness.

LOL, don’t poke the dragon there. I see what you did.

“Begs the question” bugs me too. I’ve mostly finally learned to live with it, mostly on the basis that it’s a useful phrase as used and makes semantic sense. But it still nags at me.

You might hold off on correcting people on that one. Just a quick online dictionary check suggests that both usages for the word are actually correct, or at least generally accepted as such. It’s one of those that I think you’re just going to have to grit your teeth and accept. The “study of” definition didn’t even

Hey, evolution’s not an unbroken arrow pointing upwards. It’s a twisty messy thing that leave debris everywhere it goes.

This was the minifig that was “me” in all my Lego adventures. Definitely my favorite. It’s still a touchpoint for me in my scifi designs, many many years later.

Well, some of those fashions DEFINITELY looked like things I saw people wear on TOS, so that fits.

Pizza cutter I’ll grudgingly give you, but fidget spinner? Not even the vaguest, broadest resemblance.